Did you see my picture above, you can see the loop that is connected to the harness, looks like you might have enough there to get a connector on?
yeah I, I have enough room to fit a new one, was just hoping to find something the same shape as the orignal as the exact-start cables are designated to fit inside it, I guess i'll have to go with something like this...
The exact start cables will now be taking the main load. Both the exact start and oem connectors need to be hefty because of the current draw through them. There is nood at all for these small wires to have anything more than the ring connectors pictured here. The exact start connector is designed to go under the oem connector precisely because of the other small wires crimped into it, making it simplest to just piggyback to it. Now your oem connector is buggered and you need to connect the small wires separately anyway, the desirability of piggybacking has disappeared and using a ring connector on top of the exact start is now the best option
Well the connectors I ordered from www.cablecraft.co.uk (thanks for the pointer) and crimp tool have arrived so i'm going over to the bike to try and fit, will report back...
I have just had this happen to me. However it turned out to be no great problem because I have a cable kit fitted - all I had to do was seal off the remaining stub with all the cables still crimped together. It seems that with a cable kit in place, with my broken positive oem terminal, the current flows through the piggy-backed cable to the solenoid terminal, then back through the attached oem cable to the crimped bundle where it flows through the bundled smaller cables to wherever it needs to go. So, if your oem terminal breaks, no problem if you have a cable-kit and if you don't then fitting a cable-kit will kill two birds with one stone - it will fix the terminal problem and give you better starting - win/win
Have now decided this is wrong. If the oem connector has broken but still has all the smaller earth wires crimped into it, those wires are still being earthed to the engine by the main battery earth cable. So, all you need to do is add a new battery earth cable (Exiges’s cable kit) to the same earth point and you should be sorted