Rip Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rushjob, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. Not really news thou IMO, its been a case of when not if for the last year or so. A very powerful person in her time thou and that shouldn't be forgotten
  2. Interesting quote today from George Galloway:

    "Tramp the dirt down"

    Highlights just how devisive this country has become.
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  3. As in the Elvis Costello song - give it a listen, and while you're at it you could give 'Shipbuilding' a listen too.
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  4. Its easy to look back and judge but we did go from an industrial nation to one that led the world in term of finance and information technology. In 1760 we went through a period of industrial revolution, it pissed off a lot of people at the time but you cant say we are worse off for it now, its the same with what Thatcher achieved.

    **** leaders don't get voted 3 in, times in succession and unlike the government of today at least she followed through with what she said she was going to do, none of this flip flopping on policy at the slightest sniff of a bad headline.

    She changed the world of politics in Britain so much that the Labour party had to drop Socialism and change its name and objectives in order to get elected!

    Sure she was tough on the trade unions but it was better than the previous governments sucking upto them at every available opportunity, the country was being held to ransom by extreme left wing union leaders, she broke away and in the 11 and a half years she was in power Britain once again became "Great".

    Thatcher stuck to the practice of saying what she meant and meaning what she said. When she said the lady wasn't for turning, she wasn't. When she said the Falklands must be liberated come what may, they were. When she said that people would be allowed to buy their own council houses, they were too. When she told European politicians that she wanted a rebate on the billions Britain overpaid the EEC, she held out till she got one.

    We would be foolish not to look at the overall picture and realise the many good things she did for us.

    Genuinely RIP.
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  5. George Galloway doesn't have a tiny fraction of the principles that Margaret Thatcher had. Odious creep that he is.
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  6. Diolch yn fawr.
  7. Can I have my milk back now?
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  8. Wonder if CNN appreciate the implication of showing this picture in association with today's news?

    The US tends to be rather insular, so perhaps that story didn't each them?

    CNN Pic.jpg
  9. But it would be better if they were right.

    She certainly did have principles rather than just scrutinising the polls continually to see what is popular as in the new "marketing politics". For that she should be admired.

    On the other hand she had no "common touch", was not a federating voice and introduced the scourge of monetarism.
    I'm not rejoicing in her death. I am indifferent to it. Once she had left politics, she no longer ceased to count, one way or the other.

    For all his blying, Blair did at least make massive progress on Northern Ireland - that is his one legacy. Thatcher's? Smashing the unions?
  10. Each picture tells a story.
    The story I see there is each of them thinking , "At last, I can be photographed standing next to someone more vile than me!".

    And the weird thing is, they are both right.
  11. You will find all the tossers on facebook airing there views.
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  12. But will have disease free lungs.
  13. And an NHS still at the forefront of he world as well as not crippled by strikes and disagreements over the colour of cups :rolleyes:
  14. Yes, Thatch clubbed the Unions back into the Stone Age, where they belong. Yay.

    Now, which strong, popular 20th Century leader got the trains running on time and why aren't we praising him to the hilt whilst we are at it?
  15. Again over stating the facts, eh, the unions operate for the good for the worker not themselves far more than they did. More fair minded and likely to view the world of today not yesterday.
  16. The unions had to face a dose of reality after beer and sandwiches at Number 10.

    Swiss Prime Minister ? If the Swiss have such a thing as a Prime Minister, maybe they just take turns ?
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  17. I'll Help...........El Duce.....................they hung him upside down and mutilated him (or was it the other way round)
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  18. A magnificent collaboration between the Thatcher Government and the BBC meant that the Great British Public didn't have to be confused by there being two sides to the Miners Dispute. The Miners were all bad, no exceptions. You could see that plainly in the ever-so-slightly-edited footage on the 9 o'Clock News.
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  19. I recall seeing the miners being clubbed to hell by Plod (most of whom were grinning).....

  20. Al, you've just reminded me of the Morrissey track from that era:

    Morrissey - Margaret On The Guillotine - YouTube

    I worked in a Nottinghamshire hospital at the time, the injuries to miners and their families were not pretty. But most of them were caused by officers brought in from other areas. I played in a football team with a few local bobbies and they said their local colleagues did not agree with the violence inflicted by officers from outside of Nottinghamshire.

    As ever, the media was very selective on its reporting. Still is today.
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