Cyclists who ride on the roads. English Premier League soccer. People who believe women can multi-task. Women who attempt to multi-task. Drivers who don't know what their indicators are for or how to use them. First runner-up: St Greta Thunberg's "parents" (such as they are)
1. Buses (what is the point, they slow/stop the traffic & seem to run on about three people maximum)? 2. The loonie left (not “the left”, just the mental, vocal hard left element that is again keeping a poor government in power & never seems to learn its lesson amongst the young) 3. Lorraine Kelly (ghastly sycophantic over promoted woman, IMO of course) 4. Non-bikers (everyone should have to pass a test on two wheels. We’d all get knocked off a lot less then) 5. Train fare prices (which seemingly do not relate to any possible measure of normality/sense) 6. Yeah that toilet roll thing!
The first word in Beowulf, the earliest work in Old English, is "Hwaet". This is sometimes translated into modern English as "Lo" or "Hark", but Seamus Heaney in his brilliant translation chooses "So." As Heaney puts it, "... the particle 'so' comes naturally to the rescue, because in that idiom 'so' operates as an expression which obliterates all previous discourse and narrative, and at the same time functions as an exclamation calling for immediate attention. So 'so' it was." I couldn't have put it better myself.
Perople who can't stop looking at a mobile phone while walking Car parks who provide spaces 1/2" wider than your car People who can't get out of their car in a car park without bashing their door into your parked car. Self obsessed people who post selfies
If a God ( no not you @Exige) could rid the world of rain would that mean a) the sea levels wouldn’t rise so much and b) we could use the excess water levels in the ocean to irrigate the drought areas ( converting salt water to fresh) or would that eventually cause the oceans to drop so much, that you would be able to ride your bike to the USA without getting wet x
People who block the pavement when parking and the road is plenty wide enough. I always have to fight the temptation to damage their car when walking the dogs. F-wits.
No you stay here... I luv you man in a manly way obv... I will remove my request from the room swing as I’ve got the keys... x
1. Speed Cameras - Taxing the soft touch tax payers further 2. Phone Zombies - people who go so slowly on pavements and don't look where they are going, because they are glued to their phones!!!! 3. The word "Like" for teenagers - Can only use when responsible enough with the English language. 4. Smart Motorways - Being in IT, I am convinced this will be a multibillion business to maintain, so more Taxes and Speed Cameras 5. Lycra Heroes in Groups of 10 or more - Specifically the ones who ride in groups that are now longer than an articulated lorry, at half the speed and don't allow for gaps for cars to overtake
Mood background music which is louder than the dialogue, which means that you turn up the volume to hear what is being said and the bloody music is LOUDER... and then I change channels.
TV, you say? You guys still watch TV? Noods - TV to go in Room 101 mate. Thanks. It's for the many, not the few.
I could go on and on... 5 isn't enough. People playing music/video out loud on their phones in public.
Keep going on my friend get it off your chest..... These cars where the, so called music is so loud it’s almost destructing the car... BOOM BOOM BOOM..! God only knows what the occupants hearing is going to. Be like in the future.. x