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Roundabout surfing?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. This post should be removed. It condones and incites illegal driving behaviour :mad:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Tut Tut

    Have you seen him lately btw Chris?
  3. no I haven't John - you?
  4. Hey Funky you do know you can get tablets for that nowadays :eek: :biggrin:
  5. I've already said that I've been close to writing to the Daily Mail about this kind of disgusting behaviour. It needs stamping out and quickly before we get a bad reputation.
  6. im a londoner and proud of it mate..i'll leave the tribal bickering to the local inbreds...

    either way, i still think hammond is a bell end.
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  7. Ahh :upyeah:
  8. Also used to use a road called The Serpentine near Hameln in Germany which is brilliant, about 3km of twisties, so many bikes use it as a racetrack, the Polizei have installed padding on the armco posts :upyeah:[/QUOTE]

    That road and several around it used to be my weekend playground, fantastic piece of road, with view points to watch bikes, went there just before i left Germany they had left all the pot holes and covered it in loose stone chips to deter the jolly japes of us leather clad hoodlums, and yes it had worked no one goes there any more, a real shame.


  9. lots of roundabouts near me where the naughty boys go to play. its as good a place to learn your trade in the real world as anywhere.
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