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Sad sad news re 470four

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by duc904red, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Had a chat on the phone with my mate steve 904red.

    l feel sad for my good freind steve and the day he has had.

    Have a good christmas mate and i look forward to your Mrs's friut cake:upyeah:
  2. Take the 888 for a thrash in the morning mate
    It will clear your head:upyeah:
  3. OMG. This just took my breath away
    :( oh man I can't believe it
    RIP so so sad
  4. I have never met Darren, and only knew him as 470four through this website. We have traded opinions and such through posts, including recently.

    He always came across to me as a person with something to say, and saying it with both conviction and humour.

    It is very sad to hear this news today, and I would like to pass my sincere condolences to the family and friends of Darren.

    The posts of condolence and sadness also reinforce to me that this forum is used by good people.

    RIP 470four.
  5. Phil, you are so right, many folks going through tough times often need to just talk to someone who is prepared to listen to them without making judgement.
  6. A few years back I got into a very dark deep hole too , with no way out ........ I let the bubble burst and saw someone , up till then there was just one route ............ I just didn't have the balls to do it , it is NOT an easy option ..... A brave man pushed too hard RIP 470
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  7. What a fuckin' sad, sad, waste of a life, I feel so sorry for his family and friends. :frown:
  8. Re-read many of 470four's posts to try and understand what happened, only knew him through this forum. For me it just underlines the importance of family and friends. My condolences go out to all who knew him better than me.
  9. Hi
    yesterdays weirdly surreal has turned into todays all too real
    l,d known Darren for sometime and and thought l knew him well he was part of what became our tuesday group
    on tuesday my mrs would do a huge roast and a gang of us would fill my dining room and talk b0ll0cks
    I'd known Darren since the old ducatisti days but didnt know until a couple of weeks ago that he had been married and had a son
    that was the way he was
    Darren was in a new relationship and had been for about four months
    but l only met his new girlfreind yesterday morning but she knew about me and was able find me
    that was the way he was
    l was not aware of happenings going on with his facebook as although l am on it l never used it to communicate with Darren l thought it a bloody stupid thing to do when he was a couple of miles away down the road- so was unaware of the counting down a few have mentioned
    the page now is emty of recnt things l do not know
    #70 duc904red, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
  10. if this was his doing or if it is to do with the investigation
    Darren visted me on sunday and was ok he told me he was upset about his plans to emigrate to australia not going well but he had sorted things now(hindsight is now is giving me lots of prods)
    we talked about xmas,my mrs and l have a kind of open house at xmas for freinds that dislike xmas or have no family about tis usualy great unplanned parties are then best and all that lve got 30 cans of john smiths here now(Darren's tipple of choice)
    not sure whats going to happen now
    l feel l must put a few things right re comments on here
    Darren was in a loving,good relationship l do not beleive this was a factor at all
    l do believe this horrible thing was not a cry for help
    it was meticulously planned -notes left,will and testament,bills paid and a safety warning for the emergency services!
    that was the Darren was
    l was the one who called the police after not being able to raise him
    l am glad my attempts to gain access were unsucessful
    sorry for rambling on
    Steve B
    #71 duc904red, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
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  11. Just take your time Steve. Tell us whem you want to. If you want to.

    I still feel numb and I didn't know Darren personally, just though here. Wierd.
  12. Words fail me, life is a strange thing I hope he's found peace now and I feel for everyone who knew him, friends and family it must be dreadful and with such a close proximity to Christmas also.
  13. Sad waste of what seemed like a very nice fella. RIP Darren, you'll be missed.
  14. I don't believe in an afterlife, well not one for us when we die, but there is life after death for those left behind still living.

    My thoughts are with you Steve. You were clearly a good friend to him. My condolences to you and his other friends and family. It's terrible when someone goes this way but I think you must take comfort from the knowledge that there was probably nothing you could have done to prevent it. It sounds like Darren had planned things meticulously, and at least he got to go in a manner of his choosing.

    Remember him fondly as I'm sure that's what he would want and take care of yourself.
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  15. If there is an afterlife, and 470four is looking down and reading this thread....

    Can I have the 'Onda mate..?
  16. hi fig the honda was sold a couple of months ago-in distress
    l like to think if Darren could has read this prehaps he wouldnt have done what he did
    fucking hurts!
    Steve B
  17. The sad thing is there's nothing to be done now, nothing's going to bring him back. I'm feeling the loss and I never met him, it must be painful for you Steve.

    Did he have any other bikes..?
  18. l cannot make it unhappen l know that
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  19. Someone mentioned a wreath. Maybe if we all donated a quid
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