Sad sad news re 470four

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by duc904red, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Oh dear, oh dear..


    This is the time when knowing you were a friend with open door, heart and arms is all you must know. There is just so much anyone can and should be to someone else.
    Apart for grieving the missing, deeply respecting his choice is all that is left to do. That and remembering.

    Some principals talk of " the right to persue happiness". Unfortunatley, there is no guarantee as to finding it.

    Should she not find the answers, let's all hope for his GF to be able to find peace in never knowing as to why.

    These are those dark hours one mainly has to walk alone. This grief is one's very own...
  2. Michelle, Darrens girlfriend, has posted some very touching and well thought words on Facebook. It wouldn't be right for me to copy it here, but from what she has written she understands what he did and why. It still doesn't change the feelings of those left behind, but she seems aware that he wasn't happy with life.
  3. Very Sad News ...

    My Thought's Are With His Family & Friend's ...

  4. I don't feel much sorrow or remorse for Darren - but I don't mean that in a bad way. Darren obviously had a plan; as terrible as it seems to us to have to make such plans it obviously was a long-standing issue that ended this way. Darren's death was completion for him, despite how sad we all feel. I guess we should take comfort in the fact his troubles are over. This was in no way a cry for help.

    Sadly, someone else has to feel the pain, though. My heart goes out to you Steve, and to Darren's family, whoever they may be. And to everyone else here...for fuck sake talk about it, a problem shared is truly a problem halved.
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  5. Not been on here for a week or so due to working away and it's very sad to come back to news like this. Like so many others I never met or spoke to Darren but enjoyed his frequent and lively banter, it was one of the things which
    helped make this forum the success it is and we are all indeed poorer for his passing. RIP 470four.
  6. I feel sorrow and remorse.......even though he may well have had a long established plan, I feel that I would have at least liked to try and help him not carry it out........

    ....trouble is, people that get like he obviously had are a bit like junkies or alcoholics......once it has got into their system, even if they are clean for a while, they still fall off the wagon again and again.....

    ....unfortunately for Darren, nobody saw the wagon coming.

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  7. Obviously I dont know the full story/background behind this tragic end.Its just a nagging feeling that if its not down to something like a terminal illness or similar,then with maybe counselling or therapy,it may have ended differently.
  8. May I say how impressive this thread has been? A hundred personal expressions of sorrow, shock and condolence all expressed with dignity. Complete absence of judgmentalism, religiosity or sentimentality. Deeply impressed.
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  9. Deep shock!

    Rest in peace, Darren

    Prayers for family and friends
  10. must be the reflection of a certain average age... it cracks the bones but tenders the spirits ... especially on these deep felt occasions
  11. Excuse me age got not to do with it. Me thinks it is fact he was a "brother" and fact we all felt current times in negative way so have a general idea.
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  12. So so sad to hear this dreadful news.
    My thoughts are with you Steve, and with his family.
    RIP Darren.
  13. Have recently brought one of his titanium crankcase case savers. It will take pride and place on my Hyper. Being a engineer and working with metal all my working life he had a special skill. Hope hes found peace.
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  14. Rip Darren , thoughts to your family and friends . Having a friend going through a bad time at the moment so have just invited him round for xmas .
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  15. This place is funny. Like many others I have never met Darren but you think you know folks just by reading there posts and opinions when I read the opening post it was like a little thump in the stomach a bit of Shock. Its realy sad

    Thats from someone who has spent the last 34 years dealing with death on a regular basis
  16. Truly awful news. Not been on the forum much in the last couple of days & I'm stunned by this sad development.

    My sincere condolences to all family & friends.
  17. Only with the power of hindsight...taken at face value at the time they are just comments.

    Those who intend to follow through with the plans don't shout about it, they just get on with it relatively quietly so people don't notice - it's then just a case of sheer luck whether someone intercepts your path in time. I was lucky.
  18. Just logged on for the first time in a couple of days to see this. I felt a true wave of shock surge through my soul when I read Steve's post. Such a sad situation that has clearly affected us all. All I can add to this is to say that I send my deepest sympathy to all Darren's friends and family, I share in your feelings of grief and consider all of you on this forum to be personal friends. I hope none of you ever reach the low point that Darren did and that you lean on us here when you need support. We are all bikers and share a common passion and no doubt all of us would hold out a hand to each other in times of need.

    Rest in peace Darren

    Remember your good friend with a warm heart Steve

    And to all of you my friends here Have a peaceful Christmas.

    I shall raise a glass in memory of Darren despite never having met him and I shall think of all of you on this wonderful forum when doing so.
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  19. +1. Nothing else for me to say.
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  20. Just what I wanted to say
    Had a few tears on and off today
    Had some more sad news at work
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