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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by TT600, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. actually now that i think about it. BOLLOX. i feel dirty now.:Vomit:
  2. You do realise dont you that its the devolved scottish parliament that sets policy for social policy and skills, not Westminster. ASAIK Westminster only sets taxation etc.
  3. which is why Scotland is a mellower place to live.
  4. It means you cannot blame Westminster for all your ills. They are of your own making. You have had a more local government that most of the rest of the UK. Therefore what you complained about earlier is all your own doing.

    Scotland is no way more mellow than other areas of the UK. London perhaps, but its nowhere nr as chilled as say the west country, norfolk, etc. Because its sunnier down here. :p
  5. whose blaming Westminster, we get the parliament that's voted for, it seems Scotland more often than not gets the Parliament it doesn't want.
  6. You get your own parliament you vote for, its called the Scottish Parlaiment. Plus youve complained about being ruled by westminster enough times. Dont make me trawl through all yer posts and air them here to your shame and horror. I'll do it...I will...
  7. do it.
    we have a budget,we spend it well. we don't have control over many aspects of economic and other policies that could be called social policy. and well you know it.
    next :smile:
  8. @finm - haven't you lot buggered off yet? ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. Yeah, wasted works for me. I am sure we could both come up with a long list that we consider was money wasted.

    Sure there is more to Scotland than oil but Wee Eck has been making exaggerated claims as to what the future of NS Oil can fund. He is wrong, and that is being generous.
  10. In the unlikely event of a "Yes" then I suppose a rightward realignment south of the border has to be a small benefit :upyeah:
  11. Deterrence and Mutually Assured Destruction bootsam, look them up. The use of nuclear weapons would be a failure of the nuclear weapons system. That they haven't been used means that they have worked, we stepped back from the brink. Only the world continues to be a dangerous place so giving them up would be madness. They are a cheap insurance policy.

    That whining "getting rid of the obscenity of nuclear weapons from Scottish soil" really grates.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. You have to make it before you can redistribute it ;)
  13. Dont patronise me. Try chucking a match on an inferno. See how that goes. The yanks have em. Let them pay for their upkeep. I have a magic bean. Ever since Ive had this bean theres never been an out break off flatulence. Therefore my bean must have worked. Their existence is pointless. Perhaps I am just too 'stupid' to realise how really great they are. We have them because the world thinks like you. If they thought like me then we wouldn't have them. I'm just a small stone....rollin...
  14. Unfortunately you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
  15. No. But you can ignore it. I don't need National Geographical to tell me that dipping myself in seal blood and swimming with great whites is a bad idea.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. your starting to sound more like me every day. good boy.
  17. Its tough being the cleverest c*nt on the planet you know. Anyway nukes are like cheating at computer games. Besides we could kick their arse without em. We're fucking British.
  18. i only said you sound like me.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  19. Imagine a world where the 'West' has unilaterally disarmed and some nuclear armed rogue nation offers an ultimatum; what would you do ? Ignore it then ?

    Remember "better red than dead" ? Well we aren't red and we aren't dead.
  20. I'd kick them in the conventional knackers
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