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Salmond V Darling Tonight...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Aug 25, 2014.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  1. No one seems to suggest that England would be worse off if Scotland left the UK. Which we would be.

    We should probably be a bit keener for them to stay in the union.
  2. on what basis?
  3. you should be a bit keener to build bridges should the vote go in favor. i cant see it getting any worse as johnv mentioned the electorate might start getting more involved
  4. On the basis that Scotland generates revenue that keeps the wheels of the economy turning, as all areas do, and that it produces taxation that goes in to the pot with all the other taxation and allows greater planning of national expenditure, better credit facilities with the world bank and the Scots can't charge what ever they please for north sea oil and gas to make sure their poorly thought out independence promises can be kept.
  5. it aint gonna happen. simple fact of economics people will only pay what they think it's worth. if the politicians are to be believed the rest of the uk will be no worse off. possibly better
  6. Erm, right so they dont generate enough to pay for themselves if let to stand alone, but if they dont pay into the coffers the rest of the UK lose out? Sounds like an argument based on real common sense...I mean go to the bank with 100k earnings and 80k committed, they will be bound to lend you more than 80k earnings and 55k commitments hey ;)
    • Like Like x 1

  7. have you seen what the banks have done recently.....that might make good sense for them we the public can cough up when it goes wrong..now which bank was the worse....RBS?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. regulated by the uk government
  9. and employing half of Scotland...
  10. only to clean it.
  11. actually they werent. Thats the problem. Regulation means red tape and the finance sector prefers less regulation as its more of a casino. Had they been regulated we would not have got in this mess, but also had they been regulated theyd have all moved somewhere where there is less regulation in the first place.

    The City has made the UK wealthy. But it is a double edged sword.
  12. the City has made the wealthiest 1% wealthy, and the gap between haves and have nots larger than ever
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. obviously it wasn't regulated that's my point. i suspect banks and their minions quite like living here.
  14. I suspect the minions are sick and tired of being tarnished with the brush of their betters and superiors
  15. The whole world is splintering. Thats what happens in recessions. Once everybody is flush again and buying 3 new cars and dfs sofas, theyll all be happy and loved up again.
  16. bought on the never never funded by rbs bastids.
  17. I don't think a party wall would work... Better have one each.

    There's too much ill-will now for Scotland and England to remain in political union together. Pandora's box has been opened. Our countries would enjoy far happier relations if we separated. Unfortunately the SNP have botched the planning and Westminster is so afflicted by short-termism that it can't see further than the next electoral cycle so it isn't going to happen. But if it is a NO then recriminations and ill-feeling will get worse, not better. Its only a question of when, not if. I hope Scotland votes YES so we can all start again and because it will give the EU referendum question a massive shove in the right direction (in every sense). But I live more in hope than expectation.
  18. It wasnt the banks that fucked everything up it was us greedy bastids.
  19. plus the football games would be back on and the fans can kick 10 shades out of each other with a renewed vigour
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