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Salmond V Darling Tonight...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. How can you say it was the US? ;)
  2. don't get that. do you ignore every french and German dude walking down the road or do you say hello hows things.
  3. The SPL is a good advert to see what would happen after a Yes vote. Obscurity.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. They have one team that is in the main doing ok. Celtic.

    In this instance the national "Celtic" would be Aberdeen. The rest would be nowhere near ;)
  5. The West Lothian question is separate to the Independence question.

    Only the Scots can decide if they wish to be independent.
  6. Maybe we would have to face a dose of realism also ?
  7. Every time I hear this I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I suspect that the City has created the illusion of wealth from a fiat monetary system that is teetering on the brink of collapse.
  8. I agree 100%
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  9. Celtic wouldn't even get in our old third division whatever its called these days. At best 2nd division, mid to lower end of table. Theres just no quality anywhere and I am an ardent SFC fan. Awae The Doonhamers!

    I suspect thats wind.
  10. It also busted us. Big style. And ordinary people are still dealing with the consequences.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I so agree with you.
  12. now that's funny :)

    I'm going to be a bit thick here, but I didn't see the debate.

    Now the SNP WANT the above, but surely what the want and what they will get are very different things?

    To keep the Pound
    Scotland surely can call it's currency what it likes, but isn't the value of one's currency based on a certain reserve or GDP? - won't they have to have their currency valued? and if so what if it's very weak as a result , five Scottish poonds to the Uk pound for instance?

    To keep the monarchy
    I don't get this one, surely scotland has its own bloodlines to draw its own monarchy from?

    To keep BBC programmes
    BBC World service. Done. You get 'stenders so Scortish citizens can see how poo it is in london.

    To stay in the EU
    Surely this isn't for them to decide, or for (what remains of) Britain to petition for, its up to the EU. If it couldn't get into the EU wouldn't that mean that every scottish national in the uk would need a passport and a visa?

    On Military
    How does the military presence within Scotland stand? - does salmon want what is in scotland to remain in scotland?
    That shipyard which recently got the BAE contract would have to halt production to start with as BAE systems are building a warship there. A ship of the line can't and won't currently be built abroad, only merchant vessels can be built abroad as I understand it, so that contract and probably the sub bases will end up back in the (revised) britain unless I'm mistaken- good for portsmouth I suppose or tyneside if it's the north sea that's key to their location.
    In reality scotland probably wouldn't even need a standing army as there's no way england would leave it's northern most entrance undefended or unwatched, especially now with increased activity in the north sea and in the airspace above it. You're telling me if a Russian recon aircraft was spotted off the northern coast of scotland the RAF wouldn't scramble until it got into or close to english airspace?

    And for all we know Scotland might just do really well out of indipendence, it would be truly embarrasing if suddenly a manufacturing industry was revitalised and thriving as opposed to the current mentality of "well we've already sold off the family silver, so lets see who we can invite in and butter up to pay to eat at our table" attitude.

    As a people I bet the scots will make it work, the question would be just how much pain they have to go through in order to stand on their own two feet. That and how big the real impact on the revised britain would be, after all the scots must brng something of value to the table already other than whisky, shortbread and awesome playgrounds for fighter pilots?

    I really should watch it but I get the feeling you lot talk and debate way more sense than the program!
  13. i know i do. :upyeah:
  14. Send the ship back to Portsmouth. 800 workers here would love to vote for independence
    • Like Like x 1
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  15. Actually knowing BAE they'll just leave it as it would cost too much to bring back- so they'll bill the Westminster plonkas more that it would cost to finish it and just get paid off.

    Make a nice yacht for king salmon the first. Then the queen would get the hump, given wanker Blair scrapped her lady one for her and we might be able to watch a rochambeau (South Park) game with her going first :)
  16. It was us that busted us. They just facilitated it. Like, its no good blaming the dealers when I got stoned. It was us. Ordinary people and the big shots. But we followed them like sheep and we knew we'd get hurt. The bastards. Left us. Alone and cold with only a sore arse and a vat receipt shoved in our mouth. Or was that another unrelated incident?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. I think that was a night out you're trying to forget :D
    • Like Like x 1
  18. A friend of mine made the astute observation that one of the reasons Germany does so well is that it doesn't have a monster finance sector like the City of London. The City is a massive drain on the country's best talent. The daughter of another friend has just finished her materials science degree at Oxford. Going to do something whizzy in a start-up, or for a manufacturing company? No. Just going to join Goldman Sachs. Yet another OG for Britain.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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