Sat Nav Options - Once Yearly.

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Mattmk1, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. I thought I answered that o_O

    You can’t plan or import waypoint routes using Waze.

    However, you can use an App called Scenic. See a screenshot below of a route in “edit” mode using Scenic.

    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. I've used Waze a few times with just an ear bud in one ear and the phone in my pocket..... I found it worked great for small trips .... apart from not having an ear plug in that ear. Waze needs to download maps in realtime depending on where you are thus using your data allowance. However .... I'm on Vodafone and I believe you can roam in Europe using your UK data rate. I know that Turkey is included in the Europe data roaming allowance. I would definitely try using a decent sized phone in a waterproof case on the bars. I can imagine some frustration when you need to select anything though.
  3. Small issue with using a phone on a day like today. Riding along using Waze and my phone constantly reboots. Turns out the battery freezes in the -6.5 degrees plus wind chill. :confused:
  4. Cant do those temps now .... my knees hurt ...:D
  5. Doesn't having it plugged in to the charger overcome this?
  6. Nope. The battery literally freezes and the chemical reaction stops meaning your phone simply shuts down with a warning.

    This would be the case with any Li-ion powered device. I’ve ordered a baffle to try and stop the phone being in direct air flow.

  7. Waze is good.

    Co Pilot is also good. You can route plan.

    Advantages. Cheap.


    You have to take your gloves off to operate your phone. Believe me it does become a bind.

    It’ll murder your battery in your phone. I think it ruined the battery in my last phone but am not totally sure. One thing is for sure you’ll need to keep it plugged into a power source on the bike.
    Also in hot weather in the sun it over heated while I was riding and had to switch itself off.

    It’s a bind taking the phone off the bike out of a case every time you want to take a photo.

    I’d recommend buying a cheap 2nd hand phone and using that as a dedicated sat nav. You can buy perfectly good non current model phones at bargain prices.

    I bought a TomTom in the end to get round the above listed problems.

    My honest answer is I’m not totally satisfied with any system yet.
  8. More and more gloves are available with touchscreen-compatible fingertips these days.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. My Knox handroids operate my touch screen.
  10. I use my phone navigation on my bike and car almost every day, my iPhone 7 is 18 months old and the battery is still very good, hopefully I’ve got another 6-12 months before it starts to degrade.

    The biggest issues for lithium iron batteries is charge cycles, having your phone on trickle charge helps minimise this effect and extend battery life.

    My gloves also work okay on my phone, you have to be lite to the touch though. Assistive Touch mode may also help but I’ve never bothered.
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  11. Saw them when they were at kickatarter stage. Can only see it being useful on a "trendy" bike where form overpowers function. How does it deal with things life one turn immediately after another, or 3rd exit on a roundabout?
  12. Watching the video, it shows the next turn and also gives the exit number of the roundabout.
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