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Schumacher Critical In a Coma

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. There isn't.
    • Like Like x 3
  2. amen to that :biggrin:

    I mean , its obviously a fiction...... think about it , and if you still cant see it .....well....... I have the real shroud of Turin ,samples for sale @ only $100/cm ,any size you like . Send credit card details to .......:smile:
    • Like Like x 3
  3. Still no further updates on Schumachers condition, it may take a few days before anything is known.
  4. According to a friend who is a nurse, if a coma is induced following surgery to reduce pressure on the brain after such an injury, it can be a case of then 'just' keeping the patient stable for at least 48 hours. I would not expect an update until later today or even tomorrow.
  5. I remember when Richard Hammond had his accident it was quite a while before they knew enough to comment, I imagine in this case keeping him stable is really all they can hope for, and for 48 hours or more without needing more emergency surgery would be great, then he could just have a chance. Fingers crossed.
  6. I'm sure he will pull through, with the best in the business looking after him and improvments already made, however samll it's just a matter of time.
  7. A loyal husband and family man, however significant, is one thing, but the guy has done (and donated) so much more for a lot of folk outside his family and F1. Wiki shows the following about his personal life on link

    One of his main hobbies is horse riding, and he plays football for his local team FC Echichens. He has appeared in several football charity games[177] and organised games between Formula One drivers.[178] He is a fan of Köln and Newcastle United.

    On 23 June 2003, Schumacher was appointed as an Ambassador at Large for the Most Serene Republic of San Marino.[179][180]

    Schumacher is a special ambassador to UNESCO and has donated 1.5 million Euros to the organization.[181] Additionally, he paid for the construction of a school for poor children and for area improvements in Dakar, Senegal. He supports a hospital for child victims of war in Sarajevo, which specialises in caring for amputees. In Lima, Peru he funded the "Palace for the Poor", a centre for helping homeless street children obtain an education, clothing, food, medical attention, and shelter. He stated his interest in these various efforts was piqued both by his love for children and the fact that these causes had received little attention. While an exact figure for the amount of money he has donated throughout his life is unknown, it is known that in his last four years as a driver, he donated at least $50 million.[11] In 2008, it was revealed that he had donated between $5M and $10M to the William J. Clinton Presidential Center and Park of Bill Clinton.[182]

    Since his participation in an FIA European road safety campaign, as part of his punishment after the collision at the 1997 European Grand Prix, Schumacher has continued to support other campaigns, such as Make Roads Safe, which is led by the FIA Foundation and calls on G8 countries and the UN to recognise global road deaths as a major global health issue. In 2008, Schumacher was the figurehead of an advertising campaign by Bacardi to raise awareness about responsible drinking, with a focus on communicating an international message 'drinking and driving don't mix'. He featured in an advertising campaign for television, cinema and online media, supported by consumer engagements, public relations and digital media across the world.[183]

    My thoughts are with him and his family at this difficult time
  8. I use a BMX type helmet, so it protects the head, but doesn't impair vision or sound, and becomes almost 'invisible' to the wearer. It feels more weird for me to not have a helmet on that to have one on.

    depends where you are, how busy, etc. only tend to find clear runs at first lift in the morning, after that collisions with other skiers is just as possible and at some pretty high speeds, too.
  9. My kid brother died in 1982 from brain injuries sustained in a bike vs car collision,(he was pillion).
    Lived for a few days,then they turned the machine off.
    I'll never forget the date,as they announced a,"Royal",birth while my distraught parents were with him .
    Despite that,I don't believe in compulsory helmets,or any other form of protection.
    I'd go so far as to say that wearing safety equipment encourages us all to take risks that we wouldn't take if you wore shorts and flip flops.
    And while I don't care for Schumacher as a racing driver,(as far as I'm concerned he was a cheat,in the same way that MM is a cheat),I do feel sorry for his relatives,and I hope he recovers fully.
    He knew the risks of what he was doing,and there will be plenty of folks doing exactly the same today,on the same slopes,taking the same or even greater risks.
    I'm not sure that there is any such thing as an accident tbh
    There are mistakes,misjudgements,miscalcalculations,mischief,and misbehaviour....(and misspelling in my case :tongue: no doubt)
    Any or all of the above may or may not have consequences
    Shit happens,as they say
  10. I think you'll find that "accident" is a catch-all for mistakes, misjudgements, miscalcalculations, at any rate.
    Schumi might have been off-piste, but apparently only by a few yards. Bit of a freak accident and when you look at the risky way he earned his living, it hardly figured on the risk scale.

    Claude Nobbs, the founder and leading light of the Montreux Jazz Festival died this year cross-country skiing. I think he hit a tree. Again, a freak accident. These things happen all the time; as motorcyclists (a lot riskier than cross-country skiing, and probably than skiing full stop) we should understand this.
  11. Were Claude Nobbs last words "Who put that fuckin tr---
  12. post 52 avoriaz?
  13. I think he will pull through.
    He is an Athlete you know how fit racers keep now days.
    He has his own medical bod looking after him .
    Induced coma so they can see how and where the brain swells.

    Because he looks after his body his body should look after him .
    I wish him a good recovery.
  14. Probably just a graze. you know how the press overplay these things :beer:
  15. Oh yeah , or just a cunning plot to mentally prepare us for the release of a new car that you don't need a working brain to drive ( and just who do they thing are they kidding ... Volvo have had that for years .... obviously ) , just wait and see , there will be a vid of Schumie slumped at the wheel of some supercar , all hooked up with hoses and wires ,life support system in the back seat ,blasting down the autobahn in a display of precision driving , oh oh it could even have a function where it would deliberately crash into anyone trying to pass him:biggrin::tongue:
  16. Mr Tool, I'm big on humour, but this is somewhat in poor taste.

    The guy is fighting for his life and you can't hate him that much, no matter how dodgy some of his racing moves were.
  17. I think he was being satirical.
    no need to be so sanctimonious lol
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