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Schumacher Critical In a Coma

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. There is a time and a place though...
  2. Was he skiing near Damon Hill?
    • Like Like x 2
  3. That was actually a pretty good joke!
  4. I dont think any humour will have any effect on the outcome.

    so your saying humour is more acceptable after either.

    1. he is dead
    2. he makes full recovery
    3. he is cabbaged
    #84 Phill, Jan 2, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2014
  5. No, sure, it will make no difference. I just found the image of a Schumacher "all hooked up with hoses and wires ,life support system in the back seat ,blasting down the autobahn" sort of disturbing and repulsive and not that funny.

    But then I don't like hospitals.
  6. no worse or so on than any other joke circulating at the time about gadaffi. mandella. hussain. botha. hammond so on and so forth.

    like all jokes some are funny some arent I suppose
  7. Post #82. Concise, funny.
    Post #78. Clumsy, rambling.

    I would doubt that anyone on here wishes a bad outcome for MS and his family.
  8. Ah ha, a Volvo driver ??????:smile: , poor taste ? yeah that's me ..... you should see some of the web sites I visit :tongue:

    The only thing I have against Shummie is ( was ) his driving ethics , and at the end of the day that's all he was to me ..... a driver ,so I aint his greatest fan but I certainly don't "hate " the guy , but neither am I suddenly going to be is best friend just coz he's at deaths door , Im not into that sort of hypocrisy .AND I sure don't want to see his wife and kids loose their Dad / hubby.
    I gotta be honest gliddofglood, the fact that you find it " disturbing , repulsive, and not that funny" ( so what happened ... you started to laugh and then decided that "we are not amused "? ) has made my day . If you really want to strike a blow against poor taste ,disturbing and repulsive " humor " , allow me to redirect you to the joke page thread on this very site , plenty there to get your teeth into :smile::smile:
  9. You misunderstand me.
    I didn't find your joke disturbing or repulsive. It's just the image I have of of brain injured people all tubed up in hospital which is always, I think, personally, a disturbing image.

    Hey, look, humour is pretty arbitrary, but I'd sooner have an outcome one way or the other before I'd find jokes on his vegetative state amusing. I'm not trying to be all moral about it.

    I thought the Damon Hill gag was pretty witty though.

    I'm not Schumi's greatest fan either, but I wouldn't wish a freak accident like that on anyone (not suggesting that you do). I really hope he recovers; it would be pretty sad way to go.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. You forgot post #85 - devilishly subtle!
    #90 philoldsmobile, Jan 2, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2014
  11. Humour ( even in bad taste ) is a powerful thing . Every time Di looked at me ( and the state I was in ) she just crumbled , and she didn't come right till I got her laughing at me (I knew she was right when she kinked my catheter hose off ) and the sooner someone gets Shummie laughing about the whole thing the sooner he will really be on the road to recovery. Life goes on , play the hand your delt , it can be a winner :smile:
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