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scotland england pridictions.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Bit of a stuffing there then.
  2. To help you stop making such ill informed comments in the future.

    See graph 10 and onwards.

    Scottish independence: the 30 essential charts | Off Message

    This is very expletive laden, but is an alternative Englishmans view.

    Anyone thinking if voting no should watch this. Out of 12 English folk I know here, only one is voting no. All others are yes.

    #42 749er, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  3. hope you are taking your share of the debt with you…….
  4. Nothing will stop my ill informed comments....mwahahahahahahah
    • Like Like x 1
  5. To be fair, you were on the money with the rugby.......damn you :)
  6. I hope so too. That is the intention, but if it doesn't happen, blame Cameron.

    It should not have come to this but for that you can blame Cameron and Brown.
    All Salmond wanted was for every penny spent in Scotland to have been raised in Scotland and every Penney raised in Scotland to be spent in Scotland.

    We get a bit fed up being told we are
    Scroungers you see.
    Do the above and that goes away.

    Cameron and Brown refused. So no option of Devo Max so have to go the whole way.

    The overwhelming majority want Devo Max.
  7. plus a load of extra from darn sarf when you want it too…..:rolleyes:
  8. Just watched that Scottish widows ad'............No way is she Scottish, she's to pretty and no warts !
  9. So what will the Scottish currency be called when they can't adopt the Pound anymore ???
    Here are some suggestions:-
    The strap,
    The sock,
    The barrel,
    The pride,
    The smokie,
    Or my personal favorite, The Stewart.:)
    Del,please don't take this seriously.
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