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Scottish Independence English Welsh &ni View

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, May 26, 2014.

  1. you're right Derek, there's a lot that I agree with in your post. Next, I'll be agreeing with Pete!

    EFTA is probably the best model for England too, rather than signing up to a federal Europe. But we need to be clear as to which Euro rules we would have to implement and I think Scotland would too.

    I'm not sure that we would be too keen on a monetary union with Scotland tho. I can't see what's in it for us. It would be like you guaranteeing my mortgage, but if I default, I get to keep the house. Why would you do that? And why would I pay it if you were on the hook for it? I'd probably go and blow all my money on a Ferrari instead of paying the loan.
  2. I thought this was very interesting. In some way, I am not remotely surprised. In other ways, I am. It's such a poor state of affairs that you'd think things would be afoot to change all this, but they aren't. Same old same old, and that's what your politicians have created. No wonder I emigrated.

    On the idea that you can't have a successful little state on the borders of a big one - clearly not so. Luxembourg does pretty well (far too well, probably), Switzerland ditto. Austria is an appendage of Germany and they both share the same language.

    England could probably be antagonistic and make life difficult for an independent Scotland, but that would be fairly pointless. In fact, it would make much more sense to have very close cooperation on a number of things. Maybe Scotland would keep the £ but also Trident would continue to stay there. In fact, you can imagine multiple treaties looking quite like the status quo, in many respects, but with sovereignty in Edinburgh and London respectively. Just being bloody minded would be pathetic.

    I'm not hugely fussed either way, just so long as the Scots get what the majority of them (or at least those who can be arsed to vote) want.
    I'm more interested in either England, or the UK addressing the issues in the attachment. It's just not good enough.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Switzerland is okay because it has everyone else by the goolies. It has their money in their vaults. Even the Nazi's didnt shit on their own stash.
  4. I don't recognise anything you say there Bootsam. There a few idiots everywhere, but I have drank in many a bar during an old firm game and only experienced Glasgows good nature and humour. Scotland is not the same place I left in 1997. Nothing like it. It is far more comfortable with itself, less insular with more, if not enough self confidence.

    My partner has a cut glass English accent. We socialise in locally, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Never had a problem. Local pub is owned by an English fella. Never a problem. None of my English friends have a problem either. One of them owns a Tea Room named after a Scots hero of old, and her place is mobbed all the time. She is well known and well liked.

    Half my village is English, again, never any problems. We could actually do with more English people here. Their self belief, drive and entrepeneurialship would be a great addition to our inventiveness.

    Tell me about the McCrone report.
  5. Its not a regular thing 749er. It was a point I was making about an assertion that everyone south of the border slags those north of the border. I was making the point that both sides have their idiots. Ive experienced both. As a wee young scotsman in england and as an english sounding guy in scotland. I had a torrid time as a young jock in SE London. But I was in deprived areas both north and south.

    Scottish inventiveness only came along due to British opportunity. Watt would have been nothing without Trevithick, as I also pointed out. Together we are awesome. Apart we are nothing.
  6. You are in the 'Lounge', are you lost ?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Aye, Bootsam, but you don't need political union to co operate.

    Airbus, being one example, Typhoon, European space program, CERN etc. The list is endless.

    For most people I know, it is a rejection of a system of government. The system we have is fairer, more transparent and a whole lot less corrupt. It is also a lot more efficient. When you experience how effective it has been, the logical step is to extend it and cut out even more Westminster crap. The only difference between Scotland and England is Scotland can leave. England has to change, and the only people who can make that happen are the electorate voting in a radically different way, which of course it is now doing through UKIP.

    Regardless of a yes or no vote I hope the people of England understand what is pissing us off ( ie not them) and act accordingly in their interests. This does now seem to be happening, but Unfortunately for the union, an English vote for UKIP will kill the union stone dead.

    As an example of what I mean of how bad our system of government is, how could these things have ever been allowed to happen?

    Nationalise energy and rail companies, say public
  8. Since then we have had 40 years of production. The big fields are in decline, the low hanging fruit has been picked and production has peaked. Norway invested it's oil revenues, the UK spent them.

    Agree re the EU, but Scotland is no Norway. It has missed the boat.

    I blame Blair for devolution; designed to defuse the SNP and strengthen the Labour party north of the border it brought about the opposite, par for the course for Blair I suppose.
  9. There is a lot more oil and gas there John. Once Trident has gone the Firth of Clyde can be opened up. Then there is the Scottish Atlantic margin. England also has a huge,newly found gas reserves, so it doesn't need Scotland for that.

    Why blame Blair? 90% of the population wanted it. He had no choice.
  10. But its the oil and gas thats killing the planet. So Scotland becomes another pusher dealing hydrocarbs to the addicted world to destroy itself. If the revenue was put into Fusion research and Scots put their minds to it, then maybe. Until then, offshore wind is Scotlands future. Oil is definitely the wrong tact. Electricity is the future. Oil means we are still stuck in the industrial revolution.

    If we are going to go independent, then the least we could do is push new frontiers and do something different.

    Create our own currency, our own banks, our own ideas. Go the whole hog. Whats proposed is independence lite.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Would that be shale gas similar to the Monterey Shale in Southern California where the recoverable reserves have just been downgraded by (note not 'to') 96% of that previously thought ?

    It was done for party political advantage, it backfired and ultimately weakened the Union.
  12. Fusion has always been 50-60 years into the future, has consumed hundreds of billions and generated less than I do on my pushbike.

    We are not addicted to oil and gas, it is what drives our world for better or for worse.

    Anyway, it sounds like you are talking yourself around to an independent Scotland after all.
  13. Nope just being pragmatic and talking crap at the same time. Im a No.

    We are addicted to oil and gas. To say otherwise is too ludicrous. Like denying evolution. Remove oil and gas in your head and imagine what would happen. The billions the study may have cost, and I have no data but neither do you probably, is a drop in the ocean compared to what we spend killing each other. Fusion research is actually just the thing the Scots could crack. Give us the money and we will piss it. Sure we may drink a bit of it, but you will have a nice bullet proof reactor at the end. I may be a No but I am still patriotic.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Without oil and gas we are totally fucked. I am holding out for dilithium crystals.

    Agree with you on the No.
  15. Scotland was leading the way regarding renewable and carbon capture, i could be wrong but the decision to scrap carbon capture was taken somewhere else. one of my customers son's works in fusion, he recons 50 years.
  16. It could happen tomorrow Fin. It just takes one of those doh! moments in science. It will be a scottish no voter that finds it. Again I will be around to say "i told you so".
  17. Carbon capture decreases efficiency, that is why is has not been developed or, presumably, subsidised. Anyway CO2 is plant food.

    Fusion was 50 years in the future 50 years ago. But that doesn't stop people earning a living from it today.
  18. Oil and coal is natures freaking carbon capture.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Yes, plants and organisms absorb solar energy and eventually it is stored underground. It requires a sedimentary basin for the process to work though, otherwise the energy and nutrients are released back into the environment when the plant or organism dies.
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