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Scottish Independence English Welsh &ni View

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, May 26, 2014.

  1. the son is now resident in spain i think, so like you he wont have a say.:Smug: .
    the father a retired bear griles dude is a yes.
  2. So far it's Iran 0 - Nigeria 0.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Wrong thread maybe ?
  4. Possibly.

    They are both oil-rich countries. Does that count?
  5. Ok, I assumed it was a footy comment, but what do I know about footy ?

    Still not sure what it is about though, other than oil ?
  6. Right. So we're all agreed. Its a 'No' to independence. Great. I'll send out the leaflets. Thread closed.
  7. I'm more "yes" but no one's asking me.
  8. Any doubt I might have disappears when I see the awful Wee Eck and the Sturgeon woman.
  9. Oil and has are here to stay for a long time. Fusion is a non starter in terms of climate change. Very few countries could afford it and the west won't just hand the technology over for free.

    Beyond that oil is used to manufacture everything from drugs to plastics. Even if we changed to electric cars and bikes tomorrow, you need oil to make the batteries.
  10. Que ?
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Bootsam, I have read through your posts again and all I can say is "oh dear"

    Darien - maybe you should look into that a bit more, but in summary.....

    "Failure of Darien left the Lowland Lords in financial strife, and they were threatening to default on the bills they owed to their mainly English creditors. With war looming between England and France, Westminster was determined to secure its northern border. The infamous 'English gold' was sent north. The money paid by the English Parliament was in the form of bribes to private individuals to vote for Union, it was not a payment to bail out the Scottish national exchequer."

    Ie the money was to bail out the wealthy lords who gambled and lost. There was no referendum, just a vote amongst "the parcel o' rogues"

    You also call yourself a patriot, but I don't know many many patriots who have such a dim view of their fellow countryman, because below you are saying the majority of Scots are uneducated, sectarian warmongers who would rather destroy their country rather than renew it. If not its people, what are you patriotic about?

    Post a yes vote, why would England have to bail out Scotland?

    With Scotland having a greater GDP than rUK, why would Scotland head towards economic slaughter?
  12. Would you like to expand upon the idea that Scotland has a greater GDP then the rest of the UK ?
  13. Btw you missed the most salient point with oil and batteries. You need oil to charge them.

    Yep, thats about the size of it. We are our own worst enemy and this episode does nothing to alter my perception. I just dont hide behind denials with some romantic notions of ideals that never existed anyway.

    By your reckoning it is unpatriotic to talk about my own nation's ills and past woes. We have in the past sold out each other for the english pound and often much less.

    I have no blinkered view of Scottish History. I love my country but I do not deny its failures.

    If independence does bring good, I will be the first to stand in Waverley with a bag over my head and a placard saying I was wrong. I dont think so though and I will continue to say so, as it is my right as a Jock. As it is yours to question me. But I have never questioned a Yes voters patriotism or questioned their rights as a Scot. You did though.

    I know Darien more than that little snippet from wiki or wherever you got it. There is a great deal more to it than just that, I'm afraid. A truly sad affair.
  14. dont tell em its our secret.
  15. I think he means GDP/person maybe. I am not sure. He may be right currently but post independence? Who knows.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. one thing looks clear: if there's a 'Yes' vote, banks will be moving South. EU Banking law states that a bank must be regulated from the country where it's doing most of it's business. For the retail operations, that has to be England.

    That's a bit sad really. The Royal Bank of Scotland having pretty much sod all to do with Scotland.
  17. Blimey... Well I'm a very posh English bloke and I spend a lot of time in both Glasgow and Aberdeen. Never had any bother at all. Mind you, I am the UFC heavyweight champion of the world. Ha! Fuggem...
  18. agree, it's an urban myth perpetuated by the dim.
  19. I cant argue against that.
  20. Sorry, yes it is GDP/head. It's in the UK gvts GERS figures as produced by the ONS.
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