not rained here in the last 30 days. you come at the wrong time of year, as you lot have been told and told and told again. but hay, you guys know best...
We're far enough inland to be a bit warmer, but Cruden bay, Cullen and Portsoy all close when it's warm enough for ice-cream and beach days. I was surprised by the uptick in tory votes at the last election most farmers aren't keen on Brexit?
Bit grey? July is statistically moist so always a bit hit or miss, and as the rest of UK west is wetter, east is colder The Met office are part of the establishment machine so lie constantly
mostly worn by those from the N/E of England, they where not designed to keep the sun oot yer eyes btw.
Having to wait for something in town,I popped into their library and used their pc's till my item was ready at the shop. Seeing this conversation I typed in tamo shanter pictures and got Essex CC Service Desk (Essex County Council Service Desk) Access Denied It is not possible to provide access to the web page you have requested because it is denied under the Internet Filtering Policy (level-8-library) in operation. The web page: has been denied because: Your administrator has blocked this site. If you believe that this web page is wrongly categorised, please notify a member of staff. Even the mere image of a scottish hat is banned in gods county
York is the most beautiful City in the World, and the most Historical too, and also has the most pubs per square mile - there is also an old bylaw that makes it legal to shoot a Scotsman within the bar walls and in the old savage times the Scottie’s never entered or got anywhere near the City, only in films
Brew Dog is another close neighbour of mine handy, and going places. fuggin SN... oh forget it. . i guess you read the same paper as old cloth ears. The South Yorkshire town of Doncaster was signed over to Scotland in 1136 by King Stephen of England as part of the Treaty of Durham. ... According to a 900-year-old historical quirk, the small Yorkshire town of Doncaster, 175 miles south of the border, is technically part of Scotland. gerrit up yah! jock.