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Scumbay Ebay Sellers Trying To Make Money From Charlie Hebdo Tragedy....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by imbloodyskintagain, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. To my mind asking thousands for an item that had so many made seems optimistic at best...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. 5 million they are now saying.
    You'll be able to pick them out of the rubbish bins in a few days.
  3. where they belong.
  4. Charlie Hebdo isn't everyone's cup of tea. I've never bought it.
    It likes being offensive and is sort of sex-obsessed. As has been pointed out, the guys that wrote it (I say "wrote" as most of them are now dead) were people infused with the spirit of '68 and they just never moved on, really.
    The only thing that bugs me about some of the commentary on it is how they say that the magazine had it in for Islam. This is complete rubbish. They have always had it in for religion, and the butt of most of those jokes would have been the Catholic church, but now that Islam has become such a rich vein of comedy (unless they shoot you for making the jokes), it's been given equal billing.
  5. i love being offended by my mates, if you guys sat a listened to me and my mates (from all walks of life) the things we can say to each other would turn your hair white. if a stranger does it well that's a different story. is that unique?
  6. That's probably true. It would probably take many years though for my hair to react in that way.

    As for speaking of strangers, I would never insult the Scottish as a people, for instance. They are indeed strange, I don't know many of them so it would be wrong.
    Scotland itself though ... daft place. Makes no sense at all. I'd draw a map of it and post it here in the thread but I'm too afraid fin will kill me.
  7. loz, i am the biggest pussy to walk the face of the earth.
  8. fin, you are one of the most genuine people here.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. yip a genuine pain in de ass. :upyeah::smile:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. ya fecker. :smile:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. It's all a bit stale now, but it's like this.

    Some paper prints a cartoon of the Prophet. So fucking what?
    You don't have to buy the magazine, you don't have to have anything to do with it. It's just someone else having their fun. You're not offended until you go out of your way to be offended.
    For all I know, someone in the world is taking the piss out of middle-aged, middle-class white blokes, but I can't be arsed to find out about it, and even if I saw the joke, I wouldn't care.
    Maybe someone somewhere is having a laugh at the expense of my mother. So what?

    Charlie Hebdo sold about 60k copies a week. There are 60'000'000 inhabitants in France, so that's one person in 1'000 who found it funny enough to buy. It's not much to get steamed up about, really, is it? For god's sake, if I started worrying about the beliefs of 0.1% of the population, I'd be a bit of a sorry bastard.

    Unless, of course, you want to be offended because righteous anger makes you feel good and victimised and put upon and violent.
    It really isn't on a par with some stranger coming up to you and taking the piss out of you to your face in a bar. Most people don't react very well to that.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. ... is the correct answer.

    It's just outrage in search of something outrageous to rage over. Instead of just minding it's own fucking business and getting on with ordering women around or something
    • Like Like x 2
  13. if you let me finish loz, couldn't agree more, and to be completely honest yer man was correct, it's just that i am forced to think about these things now. you guys appear to know a lot more than myself regarding immigration issues, "i am just a simple country person, you know a moron" what movie is that from then? :smile:
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Blazing Saddles. Brilliant bit of a great film :)

    I find that my world view has been changing since being on this and other forums. People are talking about what they believe, a whole range of beliefs, and it opens your eyes a little. A good thing.
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