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Second Malaysian Plane.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducati2242, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. The Iranian Airbus was shot down by an automated system that had been given authority to fire. The Soviets thought the JAL 747 was a spy plane. Both, it could be argued, were honest mistakes.

    Libya held their hand up, admitted to an act they didn't commit and turned over for trial someone who they knew, and he himself knew, was innocent. All for political gain.

    Life isn't black and white.
  2. From memory, the Iranian plane had been warned many times before it was shot down. But I agree, pot, kettle to an extent
  3. It"admitted" it after years of sanctions brought the country to it knees. It's own domestic aircraft could no longer fly due to a lack of spares. The were forced into admitting blame.

    It's only a matter if time until the man convicted is officially cleared if all blame.

    As for authority to fire. The man who gave that authority is responsible. It was his decision. He should have made sure it was not a civilian aircraft.

    In the end the US paid compensation but never apologised or prosecuted the murdering bastard responsible.
    #83 749er, Jul 19, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
  4. I think you must have another one in mind Jerry. The Iranian flight was in Iranian airspace. It didn't need permission to be there. If my family were on that flight I would want the man responsible court martialled. In any walk of life, professional negligence on that scale which results in death, will see you in court. Eg If you are a doctor or work in construction you would be up in court.

    When the school in china fell down they shot the builders for that very reason - negligence.
  5. Lets not start on the americans killing other troops then.
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  6. A mistake however insidious is still a mistake, were allied troops deliberately targeted ?
  7. So no one should be brought to book then? Sorry I was driving really pissed,didn't mean to run those kids in a school bus off the road, it was a mistake.

    Yep good argument Baldy, with you on that one
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  8. It was the tweet from the leader of the Rebels a few minutes after the crash boasting about another military transporter shot down that gave the game away. It was taken down a few minutes after it was posted but logged none the less.

    Exige, you seem to be in trouble again. Perhaps Aquey can get together with farmster. Remember Rule 19.
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  9. no number. you need to give it a number.
  10. Are you serious?
  11. Exige was clearly referring to an earlier exchange with Stupendus, which was all in good humour and expect though Al had seen it and continued his 'in joke'

    But I'd still ban him anyway ;) lol
  12. You are attempting to use a simplistic response without looking at the greater picture. If I choose to get pissed and drive and consequently kill somebody by my drunken actions to a situation whereby you are potentially in a war zone in a red mist having seen my compatriots killed and making a genuine mistake as the same as not being in control and then you are attempting to say they have parity?
    Then you are attempting again to undermine the argument by minimising the validity of those posting.
    I am trying to say that you need to look at the bigger picture, what was the mens rea behind the action?
    Did the person who deliberately target an aircraft understand the consequences of their actions? Did the person getting pissed and driving understand the potential risk to their actions? Did the pilot of the A10 deliberately target allied troops?
  13. I think a lot of misery is caused in the world by fuckwit wannerbees wearing camouflage, toting powerful weapons they are desperate to let off. It beats working for a living. These scumbags can be seen throughout the world, in Africa, South America, the Middle East or around Russia. They claim some ideology but in essence seek to derive personal status as "big men" from threatening civilians with weapons. Frequently they kill them "by mistake".

    I'm pretty sure idiot Russian separatists let this one off in error, but so what? That doesn't excuse them. Easier to create a specious civil war than try to live with your countrymen in harmony.

    I'm fed up to the back teeth with these types. They populate our television screens nightly.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  14. Try reading a book instead.
  15. Read a book ! Are you mad, have ever seen Wally?????
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  16. So a decision made by a citizen taking several lives is more deserving of punishment than that taken by a military or governmental figure who takes hundred, thousands or millions even is its still a 'mistake'? Yep much better argument
  17. Yup.

    Which bit of

    "Just because America is less than perfect doesn't make Russia better. America has helped spread democracy and wealth aound the globe, Russia only ever exported communism."

    do you have a problem with ?
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Deliberately targeting and being negligent are two different things.

    One is being a bastard the other is being unprofessional.

    The US navy shot the Airbus down as they thought it was an F14 which only the US and the Iranians used at that time. This despite the fact the airbus was emitting "civilian ID pings"

    The Americans thought they were under attack and shot it down. They had previously been attacked by small boats as the Iranians stated that the US ship was in Iranian waters. So they were a bit on edge. Does not excuse that kind of error in identifying an aircraft. Eg what is the stall speed of an F14?

    a few years later some Royal Navy personnel were arrested by the Iranians for allegedly Straying into iranian waters. What was the royal navy's response? It was a measured, Professional response which involved negotiating the return of their crew.

    For me that is the difference. Royal Navy - total professionals. Americans - shoot down ask questions later.
  19. Is this case not very simple.

    The rebels etc said it's a no fly zone.

    The other parties ignore the warnings.

    Plane gets shot down.

    Mankind still just wants to kill each other, so much hate on the planet, even demonstrated right here on this forum, we are all doomed.
  20. I bet the bloke that pressed the button has disappeared......either in hiding or Putin has had him topped, because of all the negativity Putin is getting...

    That's assuming it wasn't the Ukrainians.;)
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