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Second Malaysian Plane.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducati2242, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. obviously you dont want a cover up, but it would be really cool for this not to escalate.
  2. Must admit some of the posturing here does leave me a little bewildered, maybe I have low testosterone levels, or just no balls.

    I could be about to get "shot down" myself here BUT one of the first things that occurred to me was WTF are they doing flying through a war zone where aerial combat is occurring. Probably to save a few gallons of juice, I wonder if that's in the small print on your ticket or boarding pass?

    I certainly would not be boarding an aircraft that only had to stray 1000 ft to get painted as a "legit" target, IF I KNEW (and there is the big IF).

    Then you add into the cocktail that the people in control of the weaponry are a bunch of Yahoos with little or no military training whatsoever. What are these airline carriers thinking about? Obviously not the health of passengers or crew. On the BBC news it was stated that quite a few of the carriers were avoiding the area altogether (BA was one).

    The Vincennes incident was awful and avoidable but probably not thought of as a likely scenario, as was the KAL 007 disaster, but this was of a different order of magnitude IMHO.

    In the US parlance, surely this would fall into the "known-unnknown" box ie: it could quite easily have been considered by anybody conducting a risk assessment on the flight. The other tragedies less so.

    The Royal Navy (according to Woodward's book on the conflict) came withing seconds of doing the same as the Vincennes years earlier on the way down to the Falklands, I cannot remember the exact flight but it was a close run thing.

    I'm not a big flying fan, me

  3. Has your news not reported the intercepted phone call from the rebels celebrating the shooting down, then shown the actual rig with missing missiles returning to Russia across the border? And why was the plane there in the 1st place? because the regulatory authority had not closed the route to civilian air traffic, at least 15 airlines/97 flights had travelled that route in the previous day or so. Plus there was footage of the black boxes in Rebels hands with dialogue saying that they were dispatched to Moscow.
    #103 NZDave, Jul 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2014
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  4. I can't help but think this will be the end of Malaysian Airlines, after all, Lockerbie finished Pan-Am. two planes being lost within a few months must be a game ender.
  5. Let hope not my daughter flies home on one next month.
  6. Democracy which suits america and someone in power who will look after their interests then yeh a have a problem with that. Americans take wealth and resources! They don't give a flying rats ass about the local population.
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  7. BTW I love america, been there lots, but I just think their foreign policy needs some work.
  8. There isn't a country in the world you couldn't attribute that to. Frankly I wouldn't say they were the worst either. We could use a lesson or two ourselves. But thats what happens when you are the superpower. You make bad decisions and no-one remembers the good ones.

    What a shame Russia has come out of communism only to find itself in the hands of gangsters. Putin is a pied piper on a grand scale. Truth always outs eventually. How foolish the Russians will feel to have been had by a 3rd rate vaudeville act that the rest of the world can clearly see through. Once again they have been bewitched by someone with 'putin' in his name. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  9. They obviously never read the rules! I see my fun intended insults have been removed and the somewhat more graphic ones against me were left - I didn't realise who was friends with who, sorry. I could make a joke here but I might get banned and I have just returned from a weekend away with the wife, I need the insanity of the forum now as she doesn't fly back home to Prague for another week!
    #109 Exige, Jul 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2014
  10. Thank you for realising 'bradders' and for someone who has been involved with equally intended exchanges with me I respect you for that - a tiny tiny little bit :smile:
  11. Confused, me or Putin? :D
  12. both, i love you all especially you my cheeky we friend. :upyeah:
  13. Actually, I didn't continue in his 'in joke'.

    All I did was make a 'tongue in cheek' comment about whoever may have brought the plane down.

    I made no reference to Exige or Stu-pendous.

    I was therefore bl**dy annoyed when Exige for no reason decided to call me a CLINT which I took to be a personal insult. (See Post No.20. I can't see that comment is a 'joke')

    If people want to do things like that, they shouldn't be surprised if I respond in the same vein.
  14. i just find it quite shocking that nobody has reacted....Europe / Nato as usual spineless - waiting for permission. The mericans will only go in if its of financial benefit to them.

    Seeing the belongings of the passengers, especially the kids, wiped out in a fireball then falling from the sky... How can their governments just stand by ? Australia seems to be most vocal out of them all.

    As much sh1t as it would cause, they should go in full force, take out the suspects, ask questions later.

    Politics and talking is not the answer, this time.

  15. Seriously Aqueous, are you alright in the head? You need to wind your neck in and take a few deep breaths man - it was all meant in jest as others can clearly see. I absolutely didn't mean to offend, but now I have I'm actually quite pleased it did to be honest considering your reactions - you can have the last say if you wish, I won't respond to you anymore as you are clearly inadequate to be able to go up against me with a bit of barter without crying, so feel free to have the last word Mr ooh so intelligent as you like describe yourself. :)
  16. They are clearly all scared of Putin and his trigger happiness - this is why a lot of Eastern European people see him like Hitler after invading part of the Ukraine, most feel he is mad enough to continue as Hitler did as if he had Nuclear Weapons he would have clearly used them in WW2. But I absolutely agree with you. But give it a week as my girlfriend has just flown in to pick her kids up from their farther in Donetsk (Eastern Ukraine). She's a Lawyer working for the Government in Denmark, luckily she lives in Copenhagen now but not for the next week! :(
  17. Happy now?
    #117 Ghost Rider, Jul 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2014
  18. I just remembered, I have a fairing for my 999 that has some sort of red & blue colour scheme going on.

    Thanks for the reminder.
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  19. That's OK.......;)
  20. He only found this thread now ......

    It is obvious where pro-Russian rebels got that weapon from. Obviously Russia will not admit ever now, even if they did not do that mistake they would never admit to sourcing that out for them.

    That is why it makes me laugh how governments "put pressure" on Putin to sort it out.

    Well lets think they were denying from start any involvement.
    If they now go and "Put pressure" and sort it out by finding guilty party everybody will know Russia was lying about not being involved, not controlling/organising it all so that plan is a big no go. Only shame, ridicule and penalties in it for them there.

    Option two they go in and "Put pressure" Russian style, 2 weeks later no more Ukraine, just big empty and open space called more Russia. Be careful what you ask for here.

    Honestly think about it when was the last time Russia did what everybody expected her to do? They always pull off a "Crazy Ivan" out of nowhere.

    NATO leaders, EU grow some spine and put proper sanctions on them. Stop worrying about them cutting off gas it works both ways. They are to greedy. They cut off gas, we stop paying, Russian rich do not earn money. Step 2 all their money in EU/USA banks and companies gets frozen, private property as well, Rich Russians cannot travel to EU or US anymore to ear money or sort it out, they loose assets abroad as result they sort out Putin as by then he will be a problem not solution.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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