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Seized 748.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by luckymarine, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Excellent, glad you are getting there. Hopefully not long now.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Nearly there now, and yes you will need to support the bike/engine!
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  3. I consider myself lucky, then.......I know it's a different bike, but I just pushed mine out yesterday...used a spare front wheel axle to give it a start shove.

  4. The other side is a bit trickier to get to, less of a gap to go for but its possible.


    Engine will be out soon!
    • Like Like x 4
  5. Engine is out!




    [​IMG]It's been emotional...
    #125 luckymarine, May 6, 2013
    Last edited: May 6, 2013
    • Like Like x 4
  6. It's been emotional for us viewers too. Well done mate, now onto the next bit!
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Nice job, now get the remains of the shaft and bearings out and stick it back together :upyeah: Hope the crank is the only u/s part and you get the motor sorted!
    • Like Like x 1
  8. All that and in theory I've not even got to the broken bit yet!

    The cylinders just yank out right?
    #128 luckymarine, May 6, 2013
    Last edited: May 6, 2013
  9. Well done, you sure have some persistence.

    I hope the motor is a relatively easy fix.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Will be part of my yearly servicing routine once all back together again.

    May even contemplate a grease nipple in the area...
  11. Well done. Does the bit left in the engine just push out now and is it just the swinging arm bits that are still to 'beat' out ?
  12. Yea the bit in the engine just fell out.

    Going to leave the bits in the swingarm for now till I have a hand ready to catch the frame!
    The needle bearing side looks like its pretty loose, the other side however might need to be hammered out.

    Can always spread the frame a bit once I've got the easy side out and let the swingarm drop.

    Have a spare swingarm if its going to be an epic getting the bit of spindle out.
  13. Good work mate :upyeah: i would of lost it hours ago!!
  14. Well done for getting the motor out. I could not shift the swing arm pivot on mine. A local shop took it in and it was out the same day dunno how they did it but I had soaked it for a week in plusgas.
  15. I find the term "total catastrophic failure" gets banded about willy nilly these days. To the point where it covers everything and all meaning is lost of the gravity of the situation it was meant for....

    I think I can use it here.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. [​IMG]



    Even ate some cylinder...

  17. Feck...:frown:
  18. Who bet on "my engine trying its best at double penetration"?
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