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Selfish Or Not Selfish?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by West Cork Paul, Mar 20, 2020.


Selfish or not

Poll closed Mar 22, 2020.
  1. Selfish, think of others at this time

  2. Get out, who knows when you’ll next be able too.

  1. Taken from Facebook (Not me!) Bunch of dicks at Devils Bridge today!:mad:

    Not much in the way of social distancing! Selfish tw@ts!

    9A6B6D96-2529-43C2-974F-4187CC17752C.jpeg CB24EE96-7A8D-470A-A1AF-84D19AEC55A8.jpeg
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1

  2. funnily enough normally when I drive on the A406 N Circular RD near Edmonton there is a constant smell of weed coming from the cars upfront, BUT NOT today!!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. They are going to lock us down if that carries on.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  4. So the difference between that and the hundreds of people still going to supermarkets is?

    Ive seen no one in a supermarket queue create space from each other.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Crap Crap x 1
  5. People have to have food. They don't have to have a coffee and chin-wag.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  6. Going to the supermarket for food is necessary, stopping on your bike for a brew a natter isn’t!
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Crap Crap x 1
  7. And you don’t think there’s nattering going on in the queues or at the tills?
    Get your head out the fucking sand - it’s all people are talking about and in the fucking supermarket too.
    If anything I’d say it’s caused people to talk to each other more.
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
    • Crap Crap x 1
  8. If you can't understand the difference with going to a bike meet and going shopping for food you're a retard. Please feel free to keep pooing my posts
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Maybe I should have included the question, ‘people not social distancing, wherever they may be, is that selfish or not selfish?’
  10. We had to wait outside my father in laws house (at a safe distance) tonight having had to call an ambulance. It is his 70th birthday today, he has been in self isolation for 10 days and developed a high temp and difficulty breathing. To top it off he has COPD, emphysema, asthma and bronchiostasis. We were warned to keep at least six feet away from him as they loaded him into the vehicle else we would have to self-isolate for 14 days. Pretty much knew as much but brings it home to you. He will be tested for Covid-19 and is currently in resus. We obviously cannot visit him and await his test results tomorrow. If as we suspect it is another lung infection, they will dose him up with antibiotics and send him home in a few days. He is way past the incubation period for Coronavirus and has had no contact with anyone or been out for 10 days, so hopeful it is a straightforward infection, which in his condition (even under normal circumstances) is still pretty serious, having been in A&E three times in the last 4 months and three admissions of a week or more, Fact is they need the beds more so than ever right now, so if they can stabilise him, they will send him home. If he tests positive, he is in a very bad place. Stay safe people.
    • Love You Love You x 5
  11. I've been wrestling with this one. I was thinking about going for a ride tomorrow. but have decided against it. Due to a underlying condition I am in the high risk group, and I have been criticising people for not social distancing and not following government advice. So I can't be a hypocrite. I fully understand everyone itching to get on their bikes, so am I. But this is a serious business and it needs serious thought.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Good luck Topo. Hope he recovers.
    • Agree Agree x 9
  13. I'll be out tomorrow for a quicky meet in a petrol station for coffee at a distance sitting outside on a wall then off for an hour or so on the bikes ! This all pre agreed and at no point will I invade anyone's space stay safe folks no mater what your decision is tomorrow !!!
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Good luck buddy and hope all is well with the father in law !
  15. If you don’t get it then you’re just an idiot, plain and simple! and you’re part of the problem. It’s people with the selfish attitude “I’m alright Jack and I’m going to do what I want regardless” is why it will keep spreading. Maybe when you or loved one gets it, or an elderly person you care for or the baby down the road dies from it you might change your ignorant attitude. It’s people like you that’ll lead to a complete lockdown, and judging by some people’s behaviour maybe we need it sooner rather than later!. :rolleyes:
    • Like Like x 3
  16. Babies and children don't appear to exhibit symptoms of C19, as a rule.

    If you are going shopping, you are putting yourself and others at risk.

    If you don't go to social events, you might slow the spread of the virus but you won't prevent it, assuming you still go shopping.

    Slowing the spread of the virus is desirable, as it may reduce peak demand for hospital beds.

    There are no solutions, only best practice.

    Near-universal exposure to C19 seems inevitable.

    Thanks, CCP (China). Good job.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Like Like x 1
  17. If you’re out in public you’re at risk but there’s a difference between necessary risk and unnecessary risk. Where the risk is necessary people should take every precaution they can. Whereas for unnecessary risk just stay away.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. @Topolino my thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family at present.

    On the subject of food shopping, I saw some comparative film last night, Italy, France & the UK. In Italy they were queuing to get into a shop, each person in the queue was standing at least 2m if not more from each other. The shop was only allowing a certain number of people into the store at a time. Another could only enter when someone left and it was that procedure which caused the queue outside. In France & the UK however, people were queuing to get in. They were on top of each other. As soon as the doors opened there was a scrum to get through the doors. Although we saw no film from inside I’d lay money on people being on top of each other inside and when queuing again to get through the checkouts. Madness. Some people just don’t get it.

    I know this graphic has been posted elsewhere before but just in case it’s not been seen, it’s true and it drives it home. Sure, we all need to either get it and survive or avoid it until a vaccine is developed but in the meantime we should all be socially responsible in delaying its spread so our respective health services can cope with the 20% that don’t just have mild symptoms and need hospitalisation IN ADDITION TO all those that would normally need hospitalisation like Topolino’s F in L.

    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  19. I wouldn't stress about the question. the circumstances have changed since your OP. as has the advice from the UK Gov which the majority of reply's will be based on.
    i'm now firmly of the opinion that its Selfish. I wasn't when the thread started.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. We are being asked to consider the very difficult question as to whether or not your elderly parents/ at risk group, would prefer to be admitted to hospital or stay at home if they succumb to covid/-19.
    If they are admitted to hospital there’s a high risk of never seeing them again.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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