If you’re not isolating you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem. I did go for a ride yesterday but I made sure I didn’t go near anyone. I didn’t stop for tea or a chat. I couldn’t believe the amount of people carrying on as if nothing was happening. What topped it off was seeing some idiot scumbag spitting on the pavement, I couldn’t believe it. We are two weeks behind Italy, that is a straightforward unarguable fact. In two weeks time the slow of understanding people might just start to catch on. They might also catch it. I repeat. If you’re not isolating you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem.
As already said, and stressed , the whole point of this exercise is to flat line the expected peak of patients that would inevitably overwhelm the NHS. The drip method of information and decision making by the government is based on an hourly changing playing field and serves to calm an already anxious populace.
I’m going to go out for a ride today, I need to try and get some food hopefully? There was plans to ride out with work friends for a coffee but we’ve decided against that. But I’ve no plan to compensate for the lack of motor racing on the tv at the moment. Just a leisurely bimble, No risks, no drama, if I decide to take a long route the the shops I may take a flask of coffee with me if I find a pleasant place to stop with no one around? In my job (which I am told I still have to do) I have to visit on average 10 households a day, we are instructed to ask beforehand if they are in self isolation for symptoms of the virus but with the current selfishness some people are displaying I am fully expecting them to lie just to make sure they get their appliance repaired. So the little normality I can get from taking my bike out is my treat to myself for having to deal with customers like that!
I am home on leave for a couple weeks (or longer, probably). Can't visit my sis and bro-law, they sit squarely in the at-risk category. Can't see No2 Son & his GF as they are self-isolating (son had fever and cough a couple days ago). Hopefully I get a chance to see No1 Son soon. Can't get a head of steam up to tax my bikes at the moment. Sitting around watching Netflix and planning the best time to next visit the supermarket. I feel a bit meh in myself (woke up early feeling right shite) but don't have the symptoms we are all watching for - just full sinuses and an intermittent wet cough. I suspect a bike ride would perk me up but it is 20C lower outside than the temperature I am used to. Acclimatisation takes time!
I am riding today, I don't feel part of the problem on my bike. I understand a whole bunch of speakers have mentioned the risk of using the ambulance service etc, but I can tell you that most of the people usually being picked up in an ambulance and taken to the hospital are not. Triage has changed. Ambulances are not queuing up outside A&E as they were weeks ago, surprisingly, people don't want to go to the hospital, which makes you wonder why they did weeks ago. For some, they just don't have anywhere better to go. Anyway, when I swing a leg over my bike today, I would never be considering "what if" My thoughts will be on how the bike feels, snappy gear changes and reading the road. Remember when you did you CBT? one piece of advice given to you was to never ride your bike after an argument, now why is that? (because it takes up your headspace) So, why would you go for a ride with "what if" in your headspace? Anyway, enjoy the sun, go ride for your sanity and keep your gloves on. The virus sticks to surfaces for 4 hours Just my thoughts *possible bin shots to follow*
Other countries are prohibiting citizens from leaving their homes even for exercise, parks closed public spaces closed ets. Perhaps people in this country will realise how bad this is, perhaps they will who knows, perhaps it will be too late though. Enjoy your ride lads!!!
The word a few days ago was to exercise but alone Now it’s stay in unless necessary The queues to Tesco this morning is unbelievable and that was NHS staff! When people see this its hard to the reinforce isolation Supermarkets should be boxing essentials and you pick up at the door one at a time from your car They number the spaces and that’s how it works It’s being done for my blood test Monday I arrive at 6 they come get me I have 10 mins and only one person at a time in the unit