problem with 18 is you have not one but 2 things to learn: 1. learn not to let the bike kill you... 2. learn who's going to kill you in traffic. ' whoops, didn't see you , lassie'' I know it may sound stupid but she should get to superbike school immediatly.. it's the place where she'll learn all the 'this just saved my life' stuff. like braking and avoiding the survivalreflexes that kill you... i'm glad i started on bikes with 400K km of traffic on the counter... Statistically, she'll be ok though...
To be honest, she's got a decent bike with good handling and brakes, and she'll be kitted up; perhaps everyone's worrying too much.
end of day you've given your opinion and made them aware of how you feel - Dysons are shite by the way - fact
Yep, I agree, you've done your part, it's all up to her (them) now, be ready to lend further advice if needed. I just worry she is not up to it physically, but being a female she will most probably be more cautious and think about things more before rushing at it, so hopefully it'll be all good
I agree there is virtually no way this won't end in broken plastic and bruises, but it will be doing 0mph at a junction. It's not so much the height, but the width that's an issue. My dad (5' 4" ) bought a new 2005 Suzuki bandit. He dropped it standing still no less than four times until the seat was cut down. Even lowered the daytona is far too wide and too heavy, whoever recommend the bike is completely clueless. A single or v twin would be a far better point to start searching for a bike. Perhaps a Hyosung GT250 with a lowering kit would be more suitable? (Assuming one is available)
Sorry Phil, but I don't agree with any of that. Firstly, there's not any kind of guarantee that she will drop it; we don't know the girl at all, she may be a very adept rider. Secondly, your dad bought an overweight piece of shite, the Bandit is a barge in comparison to the Triumph. Thirdly, learning to ride a single or v-twin is harder than on a four, mostly because of their poor low rpm manners. And fourthly, the Hyosung is a steaming pile of shit - I would much rather my daughter rode a well-built, well-braked and smooth-running Triumph than a rust-ridden, poor-handling, underbraked piece of crap like the Hyosung (yes, I've ridden one...). And by the way, the GT250 is heavier than the Triumph...