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Setting Up The Suspension On A 2002 Monster 620ie

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Plezier, Jun 16, 2024.

  1. You did loosen off the pinch bolt on the top triple clamp before trying to undo them didn’t you?
  2. Was not sure if I had not so just went out and checked which mean moving the handle bars over to get a socket on the plug and made sure that I released the top yoke clamp this time. It took a few tugs but the plug did move this time so either I did not undo the clamp bolt or did not undo it enough probably as I was just trying it the clamp bolt was not undone anyway thank youfor pointing this out.

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  3. I’d say that fork travel looks excessive if you haven’t been hard braking, eg presenting to be on track into roundabouts and banging the front hard. If you have, then it’s fine imo
  4. I was thinking the forks are a mite soft. No roundabouts they are not so common here but there is a lthal one in the local city the surface is like an ice rink and that's when it's warm and dry in the wet or with frost it's lethal.

    As mentioned will be aiming to get the forks checked over no history so have no idea what has gone on or been done the only thing we are really sure of it that it's been down on it's side at some point as to if that was here or in America ????? Perhaps it might be an idea to see if I can get a good used set of forks to swap over and try? See if they are different/better.

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