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Sgt Danny Nightingale

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. I have sat on the fence for ever on this because I had only one purpose,Pete 1950 is ofcourse,quite right and to be honest,every agrument has merit..BUT, stop please stop and reflect on what a balanced life is!!!
  2. If in Wigan, it is a pie in each hand :)
  3. :rolleyes:
  4. So what can we learn from this .......its ok to keep stuff (dangerous, illegal) from work at home if you forget about it and keep it in a locked box....and you do good things for your country. (items would get the normal joe public locked up for 5years)

    what an excellent example to all the other young men doing good for our country.....and his mates who sent this cache home, perhaps they did not know what was in the box either.....all innocent yeaay:upyeah:
  5. I'll tell you what we have learnt from this,that a medically proven brain injury was fully taken into account.If he didnt have one,he would have quite rightfully have stayed in the glass house and no doubt ,his sentence may have been for a full 5 years.There are plenty of references available on line as to what happened to him and what effect it had on him.I fully understand that the "hang em high" brigade want to jump on this case but he was convicted(and still is) and then had his tariff reduced by the courts.If you dont agree with this then your issue should be with the legal system a not the individual concerned.
  6. I think what we can learn from this is that life is not black or white, there are shades of grey and it is better if our institutions reflect that fact.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. So he had the brain injury when he recieved the gun in theater ? and thought what ?
    #187 Android, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2012
  8. So he had the brain injury when he recieved the gun in theater ? and thought what on his way back to base ?
  9. in this case, the (gun) law is an ass.
  10. in the words of black adder ....if the answer to the first question 'do you want a gun?'....is "yes", then the request should be denied!
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  11. for me its all a bit chicken and egg......

    If there was a medically proven brain injury, what was he doing still within the job with access to such weapons....or if he still had access to the weapons, had the brain injury bit been declared was it ignored or put to one side, or was it insignificant enough he was allowed to carry on?

    he fooked up, got caught out, played the court game and eventually got a reasonable got away with it result.......
    • Like Like x 1
  12. And that is a question that will no doubt be brought to proper attention.As for getting away with it,you do suprise me Andy.You seem to have no faith in the legal system...............Are you suggesting that people should be found guilty and corrected by prosecuting authorities?
    #192 stu-pendus, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2012

  13. 2FR, Mate. :upyeah:

    And, nothing to do with DN's case but worth a look; Home - Race2Recovery | beyond injury, achieving the extraordinary

    Best of luck to the lads in the Dakar event. There's a link to a video. :smile:

  14. Agreed, and......to add to this; let us just suppose he didn't have a brain injury in between being given the gun with the intention of getting it back to the UK.......

    ....so what about that?

    Most of the time, law is not only about the actions, but also the intent....

    ...For example, suppose I just inquired if someone could acquire a prohibited weapon for me.....That would see me banged up if the enquiry reached the ears of Plod.

    #194 Ghost Rider, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2012
  15. Err,then he would not have fought this sentence and would have quite correctly been put away for his crimes with shame.
  16. So therefore he was relying on his 'brain injury' to get him off offences that he had already committed.

    Equally: "Sorry y'honour, I was on the p*ss the night before and the following hangover made me forget everything.....I don't recall robbing a bank"
    #196 Ghost Rider, Dec 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2012
  18. May I ask your opinion on a question of fact, Andy? 300 rounds of live ammo – how big a bundle would that be? And how heavy a weight? Is it small enough and light enough to overlook amongst other stuff?
  19. mahoosive............but as a question of releveance now, its immaterial!

    Do you agree with the "its only a gameshow" ..................?
  20. It depends what type of ammunition......for the Glock, say a box 30cm x 25cm x 15cm (which would be about the same as 100 shotgun cartridges) maybe a bit larger..........

    ........for an M15 (a favoured SAS long), double the sizes and for 303 or AK47 type ammo, say three times; but it is doubtful that any would come in boxes of that size and they would be in a crate so that two people could lift them.

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