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Sgt Danny Nightingale

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. talking about responsible, how did the gun and ammunition get under the bed again.....?
  2. Could you provide a list of other crimes the military should be allowed to commit without punishment?

    As a former Platoon Sergeant I'd be interested to know whether I'm ok for shoplifting and maybe a bit of arson?
  3. I believe Mr R is right , and no Shadow it's not ok ,crime is crime , and the law needs to role , but the underlying trend on here seemed to be towards steamrolling SGT N. Some here know the letter of the law to the last decimal point, I don't and I suppose I have a sympathetic outlook towards our troops and would like to see compassion for those that have risked life and limb whilst I sit safely at home.
  4. It seems she has 'god and Facebook' on her side, a winning combination.
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  5. I'm a former soldier, my brother is a serving soldier and I count many former servicemen amongst my friends.Not one of them has expressed any sympathy for Nightingale, he's shown himself to be a liar and a thief and has then tried to implicate his former colleagues in his illegality. This is not a "hero" this is a common criminal with a vocal wife.
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  6. When I began this thread it was from a story along the lines of SAS hero is persecuted over a weapon destined for a regimental trophy cabinet about which he had forgotten due to a medical problem incurred on a charity extreme endurance event. We now know that is not quite the whole story. I still do have some small ammount of sympathy for Sgt Nightingale but what has emerged is a tale of arrogance, disregard for the law and winning at all cost (who dares wins ?). The desire to 'clear his name' has over ridden common sense after what was a very lenient outcome of the first trial (that never was). He has made some bizarre decisions and been left, uneccessarilly, with a large legal bill. Whilst I can admire the determination of Mrs Nightingale to pursue the case further I think the best thing they can do is retreat to do some serious thinking about just what has happened here.
    #407 johnv, Jul 31, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2013
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  7. You are a master of understatement, John. Which I like.
  8. Shame that the former serviceman soldier N who was conveniently released early from his detention just after testifying on behalf of the prosecution who the judge was referring to on the above statement may have legal troubles ahead again now and on a different front.clearly a good witness .
  9. Surely by your logic he's a hero who should be free to break the law without punishment
  10. stu, you are getting a bit silly now........
  11. I gather the moniker N stood for Nobhead............
  12. I appreciate that, as part of the SAS, he would have been exposed to different circumstances than other infantry soldiers, but it is implicit that they should be "whiter than white" in all aspects of their conduct in the eyes of joe public. Therefore, he should have disposed of the weapon, or at a least declined it at source. It also brings into question if Mrs Nightingale should have been implicated? Duke
  13. Shadow,by all means carry on putting words into my mouth.Andy,not silly at all,suggest you search on this matter. This witness is now being investigated over a very serious incident.
  14. Or better still you could post a link, Stu. Not sure what points you are making though.

    An offender serves his sentence and is released - so what?

    Someone who was a witness at a trial is later suspected of committing offences - so what?
  15. Not putting words in your mouth, just after some consistency.
    Surely Soldier N was a member of the SAS and should be subject to the same benefit of ignoring the law that you want to extend to Nightingale.
  16. Stu............let's face it..........all your effort in supporting Dan N has been a complete waste of time.........

    If you don't think it has, then your judgement is as seriously impaired as Dan N's is........

    ............and would I want a sniper who is trained to make split second decisions but suffers from seriously impaired judgement in my squad?

    No, I effing wouldn't!

    My suggestion to you, for what its worth; is to simply fade away, taking a well earned lesson that nobody is above the law regardless of excuses or profession..................Think Northern Ireland.
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  17. unless your name happens to be George Bush or Tony Blair or Jack Straw or Prince Andrew or A.N. OTHER that you care to look up .
    Justice is always fairer if your somebody other than joe public.
  18. Justice and fairness have nothing to do with the criminal 'justice' system. Process and procedures lose more cases than the evidence.
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