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Sgt Danny Nightingale

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. And in that lays the issue at te centre of mankind; even tho the majority can see the facts in front of them, the minority seesomething entirely different.

    There endeth the lesson in humankind
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  2. Thisis helpful. How could I possibly have known that, unless someone actually explains what they’re on about. On my screen, this post displays as unfeasibly gigantic, but never mind.
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  3. In tapatalk, everyone looks tiny.

    I said, In tapatalk, everyone looks tiny.

    I do hope that helps!

    [for tapatalk users: I just did something funny, please applaud now]
  4. *clap clap :) *

    Lots of sizes there
    One doesn't always fit all
  5. Pete...cocknywotsit is right, that your font is very small and always has been......whether I use Firefox or IE.......

    But whatevva, I don't give a flying **** what size it is because I can read it even with my poxy eyesight....

  6. High Court Judges have the power to allow immediate bail for anyone in custody, including convicts. They very rarely exercise that power, only if they are persuaded that someone is wrongly detained or ought not be in custody at all. In the Rolling Stones case, now over 40 years ago, the custodial sentences were obviously grossly excessive and disproportionate for the offences, which usually attracted a fine at that time; the lower court had gone badly wrong. The Stones were rightly released quickly, and the sentence reduced to non-custodial on appeal. Public pressure had nothing to do with it, although the lower court looked pretty silly.

    The Court of Appeal Criminal Division (CACD) can reduce sentences on appeal, and often does. In the present case of N, the CACD (sitting as the Court Martial Appeal Court) might reduce the 18 month detention sentence, and if detention were reduced to 12 months would have the further option of suspending it.

    Now I’m going to stick my neck out. My personal opinion is that CMAC will not reduce N’s sentence, and will be implicitly critical of the Court Martial for having been too lenient already. We’ll find out in a few days if I’m right or wrong on that.

    In any event I am completely confident the Lord Chief Justice will not be affected one way or the other by anything said by the Prime Minister, the Defence Secretary, the Daily Telegraph, the petition, or anyone else.
    #146 Pete1950, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  7. For God's sake Pete, can't you change that font to Arial or Verdana?...........Too many serifs for me to take in:wink:

  8. Pete, your font size is now too big and imposing, can you please reduce it? (Just kidding).

    On a more serious note, can this thread please return to the debate on Sgt. Nightingale and related issues?

    There are many different opinions on here and well reasoned arguments to support them.

    There are also posts indicating that people may have changed their position on the matter because of the debate. This is healthy. It is what democracy is all about. Seriously.

    Long may it continue.

    ... and can everyone sort our their fonts and browsers to be consistent? ...... I guess there is no chance, with so many providers of hardware and software and 3G and 4G and all of the other bollocks. It does enable us to communicate in ways we could not have done in the past, but for some dinosaurs like me, we may need help from the more savvy members of the community with set up etc..

    Best Regards, SH

    PS : Long Live the Diavel (... and now I have seen it in the flesh, Long Live the Diavel Strada. I have changed my mind. You sports bike folks won't give a shit either way, but there it is, I am outed!)
  9. Met a guy at DMC last Saturday and he'd had his 3 months. Well I say 3 months..............he'd had it two weeks and it had been back to DMC to fix a variety of faults the rest of the time. He hated it and was at the point of asking for his money back. :frown:
  10. I notice that the Court Martial Appeal Court appeal of Danny Harold Nightingale is to be heard tomorrow (29 Nov) at 2.00pm in Court 4, Royal Courts of Justice. On the bench will be the Lord Chief Justice (Igor Judge), Mr Justice Fulford and Mr Justice Bean.

    Would like to go but must attend my daughter’s graduation ceremony the same afternoon, so can’t.
  11. So Judge Judge and Mr Bean?

    No I know it's not really :biggrin:
  12. Yes,Danny is in tomorrow for his appeal and can say that whatever the outcome,it will be accepted.Thanks again for looking at this thread irrespective of font or font size..................

  13. I would like to thank you all so much for the support that you have given Danny and Sally via this forum on this matter.As Shadow said,he is free but on a 12 month suspended tariff.I may have a drink or two tonight.........hic.

    Thanks again guys and galls.
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  14. IMO this is great news.
    Refreshing to see that common sense came through in the end.
  15. Great news. Yes he broke the law, and yes the justice system is there for a reason. But you show me a soldier, especially SF, who hasn't got something at home that they shouldn't have. I'm guessing the amnesty bins will be pretty full after this! I'm pleased that he's been released, let's hope he can rebuild his career, which won't be easy given his last role and this publicity. Wish him my best ;-)
  16. And doesn't start stockpiling ammo again
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  17. You're welcome. :upyeah:
  18. wot no more small print......
  19. This is actually a win win result for all as follows:-

    1.Danny is free but still not clear,
    2.MOD has made a clear statement of intent re ongoing and historic illegal trophy system patriaton and ammunition going forward,
    3.The legal system has been seen to take public opinion,a sense of fair play and intent into account,
    4.The MOD will have to put in place more robust policies with reference to their checks and balances with returning kit in respect to conceived public saftey.

    I have known Danny for a long time and just to let you all know,has and never will give me concerns over his core values or intent with this.
    I can now say that public opinion and petitions not only amuse but also can make a difference if the great british public get behind a cause that fill them with a sense of fair play.
    This is indeed a good day for Great Britain.
    Oh and a big thanks Johnv for starting this thread.Cheers fella.
    #160 stu-pendus, Nov 29, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2012
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