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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. The idea of Democracy seems to me to be imperfectly understood.

    Very often, it's not about how many voted for a thing, it's more a case of how many failed to vote against it. Democracy is characterised as The Will of the People, but it isn't. It's The Will of the Voters, which is not the same thing at all.

    A further watering down of Democracy is represented by something like a Parliamentary Democracy (for example). There, you have a system for limiting what the Voters are entitled to vote about (or else, we'd see many more referenda).

    Obviously, it's different in Switzerland. They have referenda to cover everything - what colour socks shall we wear today? - and not only that, you have to vote. Under pain of having your cuckoo clock confiscated.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. the more complacent we get the more the extremists advance.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Fox Hunting is a cruel sport. Which has little to zero effect on the fox population. It had public support i.e. votes.
    Smoking is an idiotic life choice (I'm a smoker), but industry will resist making it totally illegal. Banning smoking in public places etc is a compromise to appease all sides whilst still retaining votes.
    Sihk's? When was the last time you saw Sihk's rampaging and being utterly lawless? A more peaceable people you are unlikely to meet.
    GM Foods. The public is thick and doesn't understand we've been eating GM modified food since we started hunter gathering. But banning it gets votes.
    Fracking, once the general public realise dependence on russian gas can be eased and we provide cheaper fuel, they will then tow the line. But for now it gets votes.

    Votes. Thats what everything is about. The issues are secondary.

    Sadly the general populace haven't got two brain cells to rub together. We've got an impotent PM leading a wet coalition of morons. But we voted for em. Soon these fuckwits will vote for UKIP, to leave EU and scottish independence. Never rely on the people. We're all idiots.

    Islam? Well I understand Islam and have no problem with moderates but I would still outlaw the practice as it isn't conducive to harmony within a democracy. If you want to practice Islam, then do it elsewhere. But then I'd also kick Catholicism, Evangelism and all forms of abrasive religion into the weeds. I have no time for the religious and put forward Cliff Richard as good reason for a purge.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. i joined the ban fox hunting brigade, but only because i fancy'd a girl who was one. it didnt work. :(
  5. What do you mean, "It didn't work"? Fox hunting is banned!

  6. yeh, so was beaver baiting.
  7. Well, no wonder it didn't work, finm!
  8. deffo not the charmer i thought i was.
  9. Years ago a friend of mine pretended to like Phil Collins music as he thought it would help him squire a young lady, he had to listen to hours of the stuff and all for nothing. Life can be harsh.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Life can be just, you mean. Pretending to want to ban foxes is one thing. Pretending to like Phil Collins you deserve everything you get. Did you also have to pretend to like Chistopher Cross and Chris de Burgh?

    The girl in question must have looked like Maralyn Munroe to elicit such extreme behaviour.
  11. i would say up here we are a bit more tolerant of minority groups but only because we don't appear to have the problems the bigger city's have down south. this the only site i go on and have felt a lot of tension from time to time. a friend of mine was working in Manchester a couple of months back as a rescue medic for a company maintaining some massive water pipe, the tension he felt was unbelievable, he recons all the security was ex army and bnp members. (he is ex forces) after an incident he had after taking a wrong turn he doesn't blame them ether. driving through some estate he gets surrounded by some youths who start lobing bricks at the ambulance he is driving while the (elders) just look on. he cant move and phones the police within minutes an armed unit turns up. once the area is cleared one off the officers suggest (unofficially) the area is a no go area. my mate is a proper west coaster with a rare ability to enrich an otherwise mundane story but surely its not that bad down there?
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