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Shaved legs!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, May 11, 2013.

  1. Didnt see tweezers mentioned anywhere :eek:
  2. Plucking was 
  3. I had no intention of using tweezers :wink:
  4. Told you Ducbird
  5. Pliers?
  6. :-O
  7. Even bigger :-O
    • Like Like x 1
  8. They do when necessity dictates.
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  9. I'm secure enough in my masculinity to not need hair to feel like a man. Believe me, if you ever have surgery on your leg and don't shave it, you will understand why a bic razor is your friend when push comes to shove.
  10. yep had loads of surgery on my legs, nope never shaved my legs, hospitals may have, i have 2 skin grafts on my legs
  11. How about Indian threading for your legs ( ;) ) it wouldn't take long.

    Seriously I get waxed.
    Although my DIY attempt the other night was dreadful!
  12. I used to get a small, perfectly square patch of wirey hair on my otherwise hair free back, just above my butt. I had it waxed off a few times and now its nothing more than fluff.
  13. [​IMG]
  14. Should I be worried that I can't tell whether that is a blokes builders bum or a woman's décolletage? In either case, WTF.
  15. Ewwww.... Hair is gross
  16. I got am ad for shaving cream and cut throat razor on here earlier!
    Maybe it was suggesting I become Mrs Lovett?

    I have to say I find watching men have a traditional cut throat shave quite attractive.

    I once thought it would be rather nice to treat someone to some male pampering Welcome to Geo F Trumper
    Do a lovely proper shave and hot towels and massage .
    I thought it would be relaxing for them.

    They freaked out !!! I'm not having some Sweeney Todd thing!
    would you trust someone near you with one of those cutthroat razors ( yup)
    I was quite stunned!
  17. The day before my mates wedding the grooms party are heading out to London for proper cut throat shaves, can't wait, it's going to be awesome.
  18. That will be relaxing.
    Men deserve pampering as well.

    I don't mind beards either.

    Where are you going ?
  19. I'm having to grow a goatee at the moment as I almost sliced my chin off on Tuesday whilst shaving. It's sore as hell.
  20. Not sure yet, other than it will be in London. It's not until August 2014 so plenty of time yet.
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