Shocked by M&P Swansea disregard for Tyre safety selling 4.5 year old tyres ! BEWARE

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by sim900sl, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. There wasn't a year's warranty left, though, there was six-eight months. Too little for me, far too little for the OP and more than ample for figaro.
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  2. People shop online for a cheap price not cheap gear theres a big difference and one that appears to be lost on figaro, quality should not come into it if its alike for like product.
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  3. I'm glad your good at maths unlike Figaro and M&P , that was one of my angry points , lost on some though !

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  4. No there isn't. Cheap is cheap, and there's always a reason for the cheapness. Nobody gives away good profit margins.
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  5. Forgive me if I'm wrong...and admittedly I've not read the latest posts on this thread.

    But has your claim to any warranty offered by manufactures been null and void after the tyres have been fitted and used?

    How can anyone prove or disprove that they have been used, stored and maintained in accordance within the manufacturers requirements and any defects are due to manufacture not misuse? You can't as much as the manufacturers can't! either.
  6. So cheaper than normal = less than satisfactory?

    Ok I got it.

    However will I cope now having to pay full rrp for everything now on. Better get some cars sold so I can afford it. But when my customers ask for a discount ill remove a wheel or a door so they understand that cheap = something missing. Lol
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  7. what planet you from ? cheap online is beacuse a lot of online retailers have low overheads , no bricks an mortar etc this is fact nothing to do with inferior products ,now dont argue thais point beacuse you will make yourself look silly.

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  8. I've got it as well me thinks I'll sell one of my antique clocks ( which are cheaper than the competitions) but with the novel idea that they haveny any hands beacuse there cheap LOL

  9. I was unaware that tyres had a best before date so thank you to this thread for enlightening me
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Yeh, totally true. My mum owns a make up company selling expensive make up. Her stuff is sold through the net so her overheads are loads smaller than a normal shop. Hence she is about half the price for a like for like product.
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  11. That was part of my original reason for posting this , bought some winter tyres for me Merc last year and spoke to a couple of companies who reiterated if they were a few years old they wouldnt be any good. So make sure all your new tyres are fresh .

  12. I've prob missed it, but how do u check anyway?
  13. Wish I had known this bought some front tyres for the astra in June.
    Where do they stamp them?

    For the bike I used DD scrubs which I was very happy with :) all worn in for me.
  14. my bone idle busy world....I've still not managed to read all the latest posts....but where is this thread going?

    The OP was un happy with his purchase from M&P.....he sent the tyres back and M&P were to issue a refund.

    Dilemma over.....NO? .....problem solved.....NO?

    Have I missed something?

    I think I've built the bridge and got over this one.....
    #114 XxAnthxX, Nov 7, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
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  15. Anth, you've done the right thing here. Form an opinion without reading the thread, then if necessary, twist everyone's words around to fit in with what you've decided.

    It's a time honoured forum tradition! :upyeah:
  17. My (the judge's) summing up:

    OP bought tyres at a discount price. Found out they were old, only a few month guarantee left. Not happy, sent them back, got a refund. Not a huge amount to complain about here, as we often buy things we are unhappy about, and if someone gives you your money back, the deal falls through and we are all back to where we started. Fine.

    But he feels somehow a bit cheated, because had he not noted the manufacture date (and most of us probably don't - OK, me and Ducbird) he might have ended up with substandard goods. Should he? Well.... worse things happen at sea.

    Fig's point is that if you pay a good deal less, you shouldn't expect the same quality. Not really a great argument, as, as has been pointed out, many concerns buy in much bigger quantities, get large discounts which they pass on to consumers. Also many enterprises have a different, low-overhead business model. So I don't think that cheap = less good really holds true. I also doubt that people complaining about things now and then will make any difference to business practices, so Fig will be able to continue buying cheap stuff for the rest of his days.

    It transpires that the guarantee on the tyres is of next to no use in any case, as when you try to invoke it, you are informed that the tyres are now used (er.. yes. Obviously). So quibbling about the amount of guarantee left is a bit of a waste of time. Also, like yoghurts, a tyre without a guarantee, or past it's "best before" date doesn't suddenly become dangerous. So most people in their ignorance (that's me and Ducbird again) aren't really risking anything.

    So what's my take out?

    1. There's a date stamp on my tyres
    2. I still probably won't look at it because it's highly unlikely to make any difference to me (seeing as a set of tyres only lasts me a season in any case).
    3. They are guaranteed, in principle, but not in practice.
    4. Some dealers may sell you stock that isn't very fresh (but it doesn't matter much).
    5. If you ask M&P for your money back, they cough up.

    My thanks to the OP for the heads up, but I don't think the info will affect me a great deal. Were I to buy tyres from M&P, I might ask them to supply me with product that was no older than x years (but not living in the UK, this is unlikely to happen).

    Final thought: no one pays RRP for tyres. At least, no one I have ever met. There is barely a concern that even tries to charge you RRP. In fact, you sort of wonder what the significance of tyre RRP is, when it barely exists in the market place.
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  19. So why won't you tell us what tyres they were?
  20. Michellin Pilot Power made in wk 18 2012 , got them on my Suzook as well ok
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