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Shopping - I Wants It !!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mattie821, May 6, 2024.

  1. And me. It’s not easy. I just make it look easy :):upyeah:
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  2. It does burn real nice & slow however even in it's dying days it still manages to be a pain and filth up the word burners glass.
  3. Men don’t need much in in order to be happy. I’m away with a mate in our vans at the moment and I absolutely love the back to basicsness of it. Each time I set off somewhere in my mobile shanty town, I have the urge to keep driving east until I hit the Pacific, although I doubt I’d make it that far as Russia is very sketchy and if you divert south, it all gets a bit “death to America” around the Caucuses and Iran.
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  4. I know what you mean. You could go to the very edges - the great volcano Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey - would be a trip and a half. Go and see this epic historical landmark.

    Good luck on your travels, or bonne route as the Frenchies say. It would be interesting to see a few of your pictures ......

    I would like to go back to doing a bit of camping again - always liked a bit of cycle/motorcycle camping with a decent tent and stove. This looks like it would do the job but a bit expensive. Added to the wish list ! ;)

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  5. Apparently all a man needs to be happy is sex, silence and sandwiches...:upyeah:
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    • Funny Funny x 2
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  6. I'm not mad keen on camping tbh as I hate being cold, wet and muddy. One of the things I love about vanlife is being nice and cosy inside my shack while the weather does its worst outside. The rain was biblical yesterday, so we just sat indoors drinking, smoking, fussing over the dog and discussing the grave and weighty affairs of the day while the diesel heater did its work. :blush:
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  7. Camping’s shit. People with money experiencing homelessness. Pah…
    • Funny Funny x 8
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Well I get sandwiches
    • Funny Funny x 10
  9. Ha-ha - yeah it always tickles me when you see couples on those 'move to the country' or 'how big a mortgage will I need for this' type programmes where the lady is cooing over a kitchen island or the light & airy bedroom with cushions on the pillows or we will be able to put our own stamp on it. And you can see the husband is nodding like an obedient Labrador cus he doesn't really give a rats ass about all that stuff cus he's thinking as long as I can make a sandwich, have somewhere to ablute & somewhere to kip I'll be fine.

    And, by the way, why do you need a bedroom that is light & airy for anyway? And don't get me on to en-suites... hearing your missus curling one out and then saying "ok tiger I'm ready now"....
    • Funny Funny x 10
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Andy!!....

    "Hearing your missus curling one out and then saying "ok tiger I'm ready now"...."

    I just spat my tea out. :sob::sob:
    #130 The Royal Maharaja, May 14, 2024
    Last edited: May 14, 2024
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. yep! Me too, straight out!
  12. Ha!! - bet no one is going think en-suites have quite the same cache as they previous thought... :grinning::grinning:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. True. Next week I’ve got to sit and go through glossy magazines choosing carpets, curtains and paint colour shades. You can blend paints you know so you get the exact colours you want! Oooh goody…. The hardest bit is pretending I’m interested… bloody ell… :confounded:
    • Funny Funny x 4
  14. There will be cushions….:D
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. I like it too. I just bought one of these

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  16. I can hardly get into bed for the fekin things…
  17. I was homeless for a while when I was 19 and I lived in a tent for a few months, just outside Maidenhead, next to the Thames and Ernie Wise’s house. So, yeah, “been there, done that”. I quite enjoyed it tbh because that sort of thing is a bit of an adventure when you’re young and it was (to quote Cruella) kind of a lifestyle choice because I could have rented a room in a shared house but I didn’t want to live with strangers, plus landlords were only offering 6 month rentals and I knew I’d only be in the area for about half that time.
  18. Money no object? I’d like a Britten please

    • Agree Agree x 3
  19. Well at least you had a nice view when opened the curtains. Err, I mean pulled the zip up….
    • Funny Funny x 2
  20. That's home turf for me growing up.
    If I remember correctly Ernie was between Boulters Lock and Cookam.
    Near to Daina Dors place but also very near Rolf Harris.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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