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Should horses wear nappies

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by catweazle, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. I hate you, Pete. No oil leak ... that would be the final dollop for me! :biggrin:
  2. Not unless they are also a BOAT.
  3. The next Top Gear challenge?
  4. The only reason I raised this was that I do a fair bit of back road riding and grass and gravel down the middle is not uncommon more so when its been raining, but in dry conditions to run over a heap can cause temporary loss of steering and traction, it doesn't matter how you read the road a steaming pile is unexpected and in some cases unavoidable.
  5. And doesn't it stink when it cooks on the front header?

    If I turn left out of my drive, there's a heap within 15m and if I turn right.............20m..............I have asked the local authority to change the road name to Hawespooh Lane......................better than what it is called now anyway........
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  6. I can just see the Pikeys in our area stopping in the middle of an illegal trotting race on an 'A' class road to pick up horse manure.....
  7. Are you sure Martin, are your bridlepaths RED ROUTES? they are for cyclists not horses :rolleyes: But I agree with you, I cycle round MK at lunchtimes and they are not used at all apart from those next to schools were kids lear and spit at you as you cycle past. Id like to read in the local news that "school kid gets run down by rogue motorbiker". Id buy you a pint. :upyeah:
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  8. We've got red routes and bridlepaths, horse riders seem to think they can use any / all of them, along with proper roads that they chose to block by riding 2 abreast.

    In all seriousness though (trying not to hijack the thread too much), are off road bikes allowed on bridlepaths? Is that green-laning?
  9. This should be posted in the thread "Thread of Rant":smile:
  10. Surely on the kind of road that has grass and gravel down the middle (assuming its not a dual carriageway!!) you would kind of expect to see horse exhaust? Are you likely to be going quickly down there? I live in Devon where such roads are normal, and personally think I'm doing well if I touch 30 on those... From what I've seen most if not all horse crap is left on the kind of roads where there's other dangers too - single track blind bends covered in mud with a tractor coming the other way being an example, and I'm going plenty slow enough to steer round the piles.
  11. I've just reclassified my dog as a Shetland pony. He can crap anywhere he wants now :)
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  12. Dirt bikes can only use byways open to all traffic (BOATs) or unclassified roads (UCRs) and they're vanishing fast because the rambliars want everything for themselves.
  13. Is it illegal to ride over the backs of ramblers? I don't think it is but who knows?
  14. Run them over? They go down as if they've been shot even if you only rooster them a bit.

    I've never had a problem with horse riders when I'm out on my stink wheel but fucking ramblers are always having a go and it's got so bad that I use my phone for basic data logging so I can prove exactly where I've been and what speed I was doing.
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