raises a new question :- "should piss pot helmets be banned" hell yeah right couple of piss-pots there !
NO - Absolutely not ! If anyone chooses to wear an open-face helmet that is their choice, and they should have the right to that choice. Agree with their choice, or disagree; make your own choice ( which may be different to theirs ); but they have, and should have, the right to choose.
So why have helmet laws at all? Open face helmets should be banned not so much for the wearer, but for the sake of the poor unfortunate person who has to clean their face up after a crash. Riding with exposed limbs should also be illegal. It's reckless and very selfish.
Was having the banned veil conversation last night with a judge - the wife of a very close friend. She was adamant that the full face covering religious garb should be banned - so that's good enough for me. She's normally reasonably liberal about things. Put me in the veil-banners camp on the grounds that its degrading to women and turns them into un-people.
Phil - I don't want to get into the whole "helmet law" argument on here, but... Unfortunately the logical conclusion of the "ban, ban, ban" culture is that actaully riding a bike would be banned - after all, surely it's far safer to drive a car? Do I ride in an open-faced lid? No. Do I defend the right of people to choose to do so? Absolutely yes! There is far too much "nanny state" interference in what we do already. It's only because of the cations of MAG and the BMF that all bikes in the UK aren't already fitted with "leg protectors" and compulsary speed limiters, and riders compelled to wear day-glo kevlar suits. There has been a thread on here recently about riding in t-shirts. I argued strongly that it is a stupid thing to do - the fact remains that it is not illegal, and some people still choose to do it. I think people who do it are stupid, but I defend their right to make that choice...
ahh him... thats the name theyve given him in court proceedings..apparently he was a mate of jimmy saville