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Should veils be banned in schools and public places ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. rather like the genital mutilation practiced by many religious groups isnt in their holy books either...which just goes to show you, how sick and twisted the abhorrent and perverse abuse of children, women and people who follow a different delusion can become 'normalised' with institutional indoctrination and brainwashing.

    how can hacking at a babies genitalia become 'normal'..what right person would willingly allow, no, DEMAND that their child be butchered in this way??

    it just takes religion.

    Sorry to have a go, but your type of tolerance of this type of female abuse, in the name of politcal correctness is utterly misguided...
    The marvel of religion and its brainwashing is that it makes people conform to the absurd and abhorrent, and in fact, they will police themselves and demand these vile practices.
    Sharia law is practised in this land...if a muslim woman is raped, SHE is the guilty party. Stupid, 'tolerant' so called feminists who think they are being right on and defending muslims womens rights are tacitly condoning this sort of treatment. The victims of this abuse have never known any different..to them ,this is normal...their mothers have also been brainwashing them from the cradle.

    It is not normal, it is not just , it is not moral.

    Why arent the feminists screaming from the roof tops???
    Because theyre a bunch of middle class fkn know nothing, no marks..
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  2. some bastard has probably nailed that and enjoyed it...
  3. But I'm embarrassed now :frown:
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  4. these poor bitches are so brainwashed they think its normal to walk around in a sheet and follow their usually western dressed husband around like a dog...
    its not fkn normal..even if its their culture..its not normal..its perverse...one aspect of human evolution is facial communication. A smile is not taught..its instinctive...a baby, or a blind person will smile..
    wearing a mask is totally fkd up..we all know it is, but were all so bloody stupid and scared of being 'intolerant' that we accept it and even defend it...its ridiculous...
    This misguided tolerance is what has allowed the spread of the religious virus in the first place. Muslims wont be happy until the entire world is back in the dark ages.
    The sooner we give up our dependance on oil, the sooner they can fuck off back to pre history...bunch of illiterate fucks.
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  5. So you're not keen, then, Funky?

    I do find it ironic that part of the intervention in Afghanistan is nation building, education for women, representation of women etc and yet in the UK homeland it is OK if a section of the female population is treated as second class citizens. Odd, no?
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  6. par for the course with our duplicitous scum bag politicians...dont wont to upset the muslims do we?? even a cartoon has them running scared from this religion of peace...
  7. Swiss canton Ticino is shortly to decide about a face mask ban, I understand. Perhaps the rest of Switz will follow in due course?
  8. reach for the burn....

    sorry, i meant, reach for the bun.
  9. Funky - and I'm only playing "devil's advocate" here - when you say "it's not normal" what you mean is that it's not normal to your white, western European way of looking at things. It's not normal to you. It IS normal to them. As it happens I don't think it's right - but again that is my opinion based on my beliefs, which are dictated by my own preconceptions and experiences. Tolerance is fine - we could all do with a bit more tolerance; but it has to come from both sides. The thing I find most ironic about religion - almost all religion - is that they are all, basically, pacifist. Human life is sacred, live and let live... Unless someone else believes in a slightly different imaginary deity, or believes that the same imaginary deity should be worshipped in a slightly different way, at which point it becomes OK to kill them. Utter nonsense ! I realise that it is a naive view, but if we could all just stop being paranoid, feeling threatened, and being intolerant of things that are different, the world would be a much better place !
  10. It is not much of a criticism of anything or anyone to say it is "not normal" or "not natural". We are all perfectly entitled to be different from normal, or natural.

    More to the point is discussing whether practices are illegal, or unreasonable, or discriminatory, or oppressive, or mean nasty and cruel - as many religious practices are.
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  11. i didnt even have to get past the first sentence.
    NO it is NOT normal human behaviour. We are primates. No primates exhibit this type of behaviour. Orang Utan, Chimpanzee, Gorilla, Homo Sapien...If i were black, i would think the same thing...
    From an anthropological point of view it is NOT normal...
    All religion seeks to subjugate women..There would never have been a need for womens rights were it not for religion, and our own peculiar christian idiosyncrasies...
    It is not normal for one sex to be totally distrustful and fearful of the other, and to seek to subjugate and dominate them...
    in primitive tribes, ovulating women are forced to leave the tribe and stay outside of the village because they are thought to be full of evil spirits..we know that this is utter nonsense of course, but Islam takes this sort of ignorance, and in the case of Western educated muslims, willful ignorance to an extreme.

    I have no respect for a persons religious views, particularly when they are so toxic as fundamental religion (ie, sticking to the exact word of the rule book without question-people like to call this extremism...it isnt, its whats in the holy texts), although i respect the right for them to have that view.
  12. Muslims are now at the same stage of evolution as the catholics where prior to the enlightenment. One step ahead of Neanderthals.
  13. And you said "I don't like yours". How embarrassed am I?
  14. I posted in another thread that the most beautiful word in my world was "Diavel". Nothing to do with what it means in the Bolognese dialect or in English, it is all about what it stands for. In my world, Daivel stands for freedom, enjoyment, happiness, cameraderie, cleaning, fun, therapy.

    Face masks in my world stand for oppression (generally), subservience (women), inadequacy and cowardice (men).

    In my world.......

    .......money is not the root of all evil....
    .......the love of money is not the root of all evil....

    What is the root of all evil, paradoxically, is......

    The need for some vulnerable people to seek solace in an imaginary friend because they cannot cope.....
    The motives of a small number of unscrupuluous bastards to keep the majority of their "people" feeling guilty and in need of help....
    The ridiculous interpretation of centuries old texts (which have been translated and mistranslated time and again) to reinforce the current views of a small number of people who want to either have power over, or make money out of the vulnerable people.

    I fucking hate all religions, and their leaders, but I feel sympathy, if not empathy, with the followers. Poor bastards.

    ..or am I the poor bastard because I have no faith, no belief in intangible, invented, imaginary bollocks.
  15. what gets on my goat too is radio 2 and radio 4 insisting on the 'thought for the day', where they get some fkn rabbi or priest (usually a harley riding 'right on' type), to contrive a superficial gossip story into some sort jebus narrative..its on every day. chris evans' toadying makes me sick..and the sycophancy on radio 4 is exactly as expected from the etonian royalists brigade.
    get rid of this out moded shit, or at least get richard dawkins on a few times a week to tear them up and use them for arse paper.
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  16. Forthright as ever Funky! But it's a very good point. It's little things like this that maintain credence in the religious fiction and postpones the date when we will all be free of it.
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  17. if anyone fancies attending a free thinker lecture, or a Dawkins seminar let me know..
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  18. @ Funky - you seem to have missed the point that I was actually agreeing with you... @ Hippo - I agree that MOST religions cause problems, although I don't believe I have ever heard of anyone having a problem with fundamentalist Buddhists... The basic teachings of most religions (tolerance and trying to be nice to other people) are, I'm sure we can all agree, a good thing. All the other ritual rubbish that goes along with the actual practice of religion is not a good thing and creates problems. The vast majority of religions, it would appear to me at least, revolve around brainwashing the "believers" to some extent. You do not have to be religious to believe that you should respect other people; and practicing a religion does not necessarily mean that you do have respect for others - sometimes quite the opposite. ( and I mean respect in the dictionary definition kind of way, not the "risspeck" youth-speak way... )
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