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Silly Heads - Wtf Is It All About?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Exige, May 26, 2015.

  1. I think they're funny. My daughter would love one!
    I remember seeing Josh Brookes wearing one at a BSB round and it looked hilarious seeing the cookie monster battling it out round the track! :)
    • Like Like x 1
  2. As in post #3 yes - but not as a craze please :Wideyed:
  3. Maybe it is now cool to try to look desperately uncool...

    Those fake ears look bloody stupid too.
    I'm in favour of them - that way I know who not to talk to when I'm parked up.
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  4. Can't imagine these will fair well in a downpour.
  5. Almost as unnecessary as folk road riding in a one piece with speed hump and race rep lid (edit: not forgetting bum bag, as long as the bike looks good who cares if you look like a blunt tool)

    Do they do a Frank Sidebottom one?
    #25 "Its_just_a_ride", May 28, 2015
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Hmmm, pretty extreme helmet hair!

  7. *cough* Oi!

    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I always ride in one piece leathers, though I did opt for a bulk colour as not to resemble a power ranger.

    I did have full textile for many years but when them leathers went on the texile outfit became redundant.

    I just cringe when I see riders out in casual clothing.

    I did a college write up on protective gear, it's quite extensive and I did put a lot of research into the paper.

    In truth, for road use a two piece leather outfit is more practicable but I just like the feel and look of one piece leathers.
  9. [​IMG]

    Dainese 2015
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Bike looks tidy
  11. I have various sets of leathers. The one-piece ones are the most comfortable for riding the bike, and so long as I don't planning spending much time off it, quite often the ones I choose. You may not really want a speed hump, but it's quite difficult to find one-pieces these days that don't have them. If I thought I'd never fall off (sadly disproved by experience) I might ride around in jeans.
    As for a race-rep lid, why not? What's so great about white (dull) or black (invisible)?
    Superbike and the adequate gear for riding it - I can't see the problem. I'd probably dress differently on a Puch Maxi.
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  12. Thought it was De riguer on a Duc to wear full kit.
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  13. I'll tell you what looks really pants: a bloke riding a superbike in a leather jacket, office suit trousers and office shoes.
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  14. Crocs is the new fashion on the strip as seen in Henstridge yesterday ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432846329.766267.jpg
    • WTF WTF x 1
  15. You been then. Seen it on FB with Bournemouth and Poole bikers and looks great fun. Apparently a few been overshooting according to my sister.
  16. That drag bar is not to stop wheelies.
    It's because he's fat.
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  17. To be fair his 10 year old son was riding it he was just testing it out down the strip before hand

    Runway could do with being longer but the grass offers a soft landing at the end - been to both. 800 bikes last night
  18. Wow, that's mad. How many runs do you get with that many? How the hell do they control it.
  19. £2 as many runs as you want - organised chaos [emoji3] two bikes at a time although 4 did go at once
  20. It's a great idea but I'm amazed they get away with it. I'd imagine health m safety/ noise police/ General Gestapo would be all over it. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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