sounds promising for long term repair - getting knitting them bones Steve. Hope you don't smoke but milk, cheese, figs,sardines and curly Kale if you can stomach it are all good.
None smoker Chris, surgeon says that as I am a manual worker I have powerful muscles in my shoulder and they are holding it all together. Steve
Came home last night, a couple of cracked ribs making the breathing a bit painful, just tried to sneak up to the garage to assess the damage but she was watching me and went another way round the house and put a stop to it, I'll have another go tomorrow, there will only be one winner in the end. Hopefully make a list of parts tomorrow and start searching. Steve
Will have to get to the bottom of what happened, just feathering the throttle and without any sign at all went to full power as I started the left turn leaving me on the floor in a split second. Can only think the cable got pulled somehow. Steve
?? Until I can get in the garage and investigate I have as much idea as anyone, I have had the tank and airbox off recently but it has been out since then, can only think that after the tight righthander the cable caught on something and increased the revs as I moved from the tight right into a tight left. No other explanation!! Steve
Steve I was kidding. Sounds to me a lot like the throttle cable or the fast idle cable (if you have one) getting caught on something in the air box. That's happened to me (but without the nearly disastrous side effects). Apologies for being a right andy
No problem Loz, I keep going over it in my head wondering if there was anything I could have done to save it, I was sliding down the road in a split second. Andyb confused me with his last reply. Steve
Sometimes things happen too fast to register them. Your first clue that something is wrong is finding yourself on the deck. Been there, done that, breaking vertebrae in the process
Steve, having dealt with a million or so people involved in collisions of all sorts including like yours, you generally get the response like what you said, "all of a sudden" Im sure there could of been something like a cable sticks or get caught somewhere...but realistically after your ride not too sure how is it now....does it work ok? (damage from it falling over aside!) what happened i dont know! but it would appear 'all of a sudden' or "in a split second" as you just did,...sometimes the survival reaction is to cling on to the bars and on a bike that means throttle hence the revs going up (more often than not people break their scaphoid bone hanging on! what i did!) If i was to gamble, i would say operator error, not bike......
Thanks Andy, what you say makes a lot of sense, I had just left home 100 yds downhill first gear mainly on the overrun, then this, still convinced under the sercomstances it was mechanical, most likely I will never know but I will be very careful when I have time to investigate. Steve
Fair play to you for continuing with your holiday, unlucky to keep breaking same bone.... London, New York and Paris...?
Without an operation, an opp wasn't offered as the shoulder muscles are holding it all together, these are the surgeons words. Apparently breaking the Scapula is very rare as it's a strong bone, the person taking the xray had never seen one broken before. Steve
Chesterfields X-ray department missed the fact I'd broken my left arm as they were too busy trying to put my right arm back together. Waited 24 hours to call me and let me know the good news that both arms were in fact broken. Didn't fill me with much confidence in the x ray guy. Everyone else up there was always spot on every time I turned up with broken bones , silly bike injuries.