Interesting you say a scapula fracture is unusual - my Dad broke his shoulder blade skiing a few years back (courtesy of an out of control Frenchman crashing into him). Dad diagnosed the fracture while sitting holding his X-ray pictures, waiting to be discharged. Junior doctor who had already reviewed the films had failed to spot it - Dad called a medic over to query whether "that line is supposed to be there" and was told, oh yes, you have broken it! Hope you make a speedy recovery Birdie.
I think that's what McGuiness broke earlier this year....just thought id throw that in any pics of the bike...?
The lads that put the bike away for me have left me little room to take any decent pics so this is all for now. Seat is scratched and the gear lever bent to much to straighten, luckily the tank is ok. Don't tell me it will be ok with a bit of super glue and red nail varnish!!!! Steve
Nah - it never think youre unlucky....that there is 4.6k's worth of damage....and all you can see is a snapped mate let me have a go on his r6... And yes, he's still my mate....
Not riding the clutch whilst feathering by chance and suddenly disengaging it? I have on two occasions been on my Lambretta yrs ago, seen a mate, waved at him with my left hand and forgotten i had scoot in gear and clutch in. Cue scoot taking off with me still gripping the throttle before eventually falling off. The 1st time I was an idiot, the 2nd time i'm a fecking moron. Ive nearly done this on my 916 too...blipping throttle as i roll to the lights and suddenly finding out I'm still in gear and the clutch is disengaged.