trouble is for some of us with wife/kids we can get a way with a day here and there but 5 days in Spain is going to result in a raising of both eyebrows, crossed arms, pursed lips and a taping of the toes!
I thought you were taking the piss out of my sausage finger typing often, before a race wireless, clubs have a test day. Example: brands Indy was £139 or so TD, test day was £99. Normally the Friday before the racing.
Sometimes you do have to be a member but I have done some where I haven’t. No it’s sessioned, normally 1000 plus, 600’s, small bikes.
Fair one, I have yet to experience that trauma but I'm making use of single life at 27 until one day everything will crumble.
Bloody hell mate, she's a keeper if that's the only reaction you get!! I call my Mrs "The War Office"
It's on the cards. I had a look at it, but figured I'd now wait until the weather is better before booking the pracital. I'm keep my old R6 for now incase I do decide to do something, pi class.
I was looking at No Limits, I think we spoke about this before. I will look at Newcomers (as advised). Someone on an 07 injection bike will have a big adavantage over stock pi, but as you say, skill levels (& has not been an issue on trackdays) newcomers ability will vary I guess. Pi class, the were going well, but if it is open regs they might be pushing 120bhp+ and I'm not going to spend that kind of money on an old bike. I'd rather buy a newer. Need to look into it more next year, I could sell the old R6(s)/blade and buy something newer if the grid is not age restricted.
I know Silverstone have entered into an agreement with Aston Martin for the Stowe circuit but could this rather substantial increase in prices have included their trade customers and be a contributory reason for the CSS demise ? Andy
Imho unless you’re pushing top 5 and losing out on top end a standard motet is ok. It’s more suspension and reliability. Ask @Monners
@Not Carl Fogarty mate you were faster than me on your r6 and I was on my r1. (Ok first time I'd ridden it) but you were still faster.