I used to love the quick clear windscreen on my my Galaxy, simple but great. using 1 remote to operate the TV DVD Satellite
Quite apart from the photos, the best bit is having your diary and contact lists continually up to day on all your gadgetry without having to synchronise them. Now, that is useful.
Brilliantly simple idea, I don't understand why more manufacturers don't do this. However it ain't perfect; on my Mondeo the screen and wing mirrors cleared in seconds, but you still had to stand out in the cold scraping the side windows...
My hand held electric can opener is a fascinating bit of kit, clip it on the top of the can, press the button and stand back and watch as the can opens all by itself, don't even have to hold it. beautiful piece of engineering, now half price at Amazon!
Heated windscreens - first seen on Mini rally cars in the early 60's. The first comercial use was pioneered by Volvo. When Ford took an interest in Volvo they cpoied the system. One of the reasons why more companies don't use it is that it makes the windscreens more expensive, heavier and more dificult to fit / replace.
Stand to inherit one of these from my old man, beautiful chair many happy memories as a kid whizzing around in it. Beautiful design.