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(small) Bike Things You've Done Today

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cream_Revenge, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. I’m the same, I put a new set of road 6s on for our Alps trip last September, the rear I took off was still good for 3-4k miles, I’m definitely popping that one back on.
    Considering how the price of tyres has shot up and the fact that I fit my own tyres as well, all part worns are going to be used fully from now on :upyeah:
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  2. Yep, prices have gone up, one of the reasons to refit my part worns. Hoping to get two trips in this year; June and September, the 2nd one might have me fitting another new set if I don't swap to my current rubber on return from the 1st. That way I can wear out the current Road 5s completely in the gap between and set off on the September trip confident in the knowlege that they'll see me through that tour.

    How have you found the Road 6s? Is wear rate significantly improved over the 5s? I'm sure the 6s are a great tyre, with marginal improvements, but last year I fitted Road 5s due to being about £50 less figuring that would more than make up for the claimed extended mileage of the newer version. The Road 5 is still a great all round tyre, have been fitting them for a few years now. This year I thought I'd give the 6s a try though.
  3. Both great tyres, can’t go wrong with either, I’m getting roughly 5k out of a rear road 6, but they get a pretty hard life, best tyres for street use imo, great in the wet and they keep a nice round profile as they wear and don’t “ flat” as easily as some tyres :upyeah:
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Just checked the 10 day weather forecast for Tabernas. It’s going to be a warm one :D Andy
  5. Spent all day out on the Multistrada stopping by Ducati Manchester so they could show me how Ducati Connect should work.

    So in conclusion I did 316 miles today across all types of roads & riding styles (excluding off roading), The guys at Ducati Manchester didn’t really know how “Connect” worked……but after 30 mins of pissing about Chris, the service manager, had it sussed and it works a treat. And now I know what to do in future :upyeah:
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  6. Took the single seat of my SS and took it with my new (to me) carbon fibre seat unit to the paint shop to get the carbon fibre seat painted.

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  7. Had to replace the front spark plug in a Pani 1199, €19 for the plug, 3 hrs labour :astonished:. why oh why could Ducati not have had a small cut out designed into the upper radiator :mad:.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. MoT in a couple of hours. Just heading out to the testing station now :D Andy
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  9. Just got back having been given a shiny new MoT. Not quite sure how but I seem to have done just over 100 miles …….. the testing station is 10 miles down the road from my house :joy: Andy
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  10. 2-ish hours taking bits off to get a clear run at belt replacement on the Hyper (as it's now 5 yrs old). It's a bloody pain that the tank/battery/ECU all have to come out to get to the vertical plug... Still better than paying the dealer. Helps that it's been pissing down all day...
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  11. Finished rebuilding the engine for my 250 Superdream, will get round to cleaning/polishing the casings at a later date

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  12. I have mate who works in design for JLR having worked for other car manufacturers also, they design in such a way as to encourage the owner to seek a dealer to do the work. The rationale is the dealer has to make his money somehow, I would imagine a dealer technician after having done a few would be a lot less in time but the charge would still be the standard time set by Ducati.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Changed the belts on my M900, although having stood or sat in my garage for over 5 years the removed belts were in excellent condition showing no splits or cracks anywhere. Anyway new exactstart belts fitted a new battery charged then fitted and spark plugs removed ready for an initial start up with a little oil sprayed into each cylinder.
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  14. Thread tidied
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. About to watch both Ducatis being taken away in a van for their annual services. Although it's not due, I'm getting the oil changed in the Pikes Peak, and will ask them to see if the rear tyre will last on a 2k mile trip next month, if not I'll get them to change it.
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  16. Booked my multi in for its first service :)
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  17. WhatsApp'd MR to enquire about Z04's pads and HPK discs for the Multistrada. Going to have to wait for a couple of month's pension :sob::joy: Andy
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Our local dealer apparently quoting early August for service bookings :astonished:
  19. I could have taken mine in tomorrow but I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow and the rest of the week so I’ve booked it in for next Tuesday.
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  20. Washed the Multistrada after last weekend’s run to Blackpool. It’s now all clean and shiny again.

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