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smart phone

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by peter james, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. +1
  2. The smart phone, no matter what flavor it is, is only ever going to be as smart as the user.....:eek:
  3. Thats me foked then :frown:

    Thanks all I've got till november then I'll jump in , the reason I was biased to apple was the ipad because I want to browse the web (ebay,here) and just dont want anything to small.
  4. I been on htc since 7y now. Currently one x and hait android hence windows phone suggestion and currently only lumia is worth it.
  5. I think it is worse I have many friends who would want my htc one x but stick to apple as they already have speaker docking stattion, iTunes accounts, cables, external batteries and so on. All working only with apple.
  6. I am a Galaxy Note user and have had HTC's and Galaxy S2.

    And i am a Android convert from windows, not that Apple don't look good and are user friendly, but when you read that you cant give your i-tunes on an I-Pod to anyone because you don't own the music you are renting it that is a bit much for me.

    See Bruce Willis and his I-pod's, that is just a bit too far.
  7. New iPhone should get announced on Wednesday. And be released on the 21st of this month. All current tech is aimed to beat the iPhone 4S. So the 'new iPhone' or iPhone 5 or what ever they call it should blow all others away.
  8. Windows phone 7 sync everything to online so later on any pc you choose can access it. When I say everything I mean it, your music, docs, contacts, mails well everything via skydrive. Soon to come upgrade to wp7 called windows phone 8 is step up as apps running on phone can also be run on windows 8 desktop and the other way around. Many app developers already made small corrections to their apps to allow that and offer them free if you use same account on wp7 and windows 8. Only limit up to 3 devices using same app.
  9. Bollox apple never had ground breaking hardware all in, few bits yes. Screen gets upgrade from 3.5 to 3.7 wow with screens now 4.5, CPU quad core that was done long ago, built in memory as per normal when all now switching back to built in plus microSD. It will not be ever as good as rest out. S3 and One X will still most likely be faster phones.
  10. That is just so funny. The iPhone 5 should just about play catch up with HTC and Samsung's offerings that were released many months ago, unless you believe the Apple marketing machine of course. And that iPhone release is rather dependant upon legal action being taken by HTC regarding several patents that HTC own and Apple are allegedly infringing.
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  11. I'm reading good things about W8 but I really think its too late for them. Android has such momentum now that I really can't see MS recovering lost share.
  12. Your not a iPhone user then. Everything works. My mates have other phones and they have nothing but trouble. The majority of people who go to iPhone stay with iPhone.
  13. I will agree late but to late do not know. From day one MS had odd tactic in relation to wp7 now wp8. First 2y they said they want 2-3% market and said their phone os is long term plan. I am thinking they got it out early to let people know they are there and now win8 is out attack will start with ability to use all phone apps on win8 pc and many win8 apps on phone (spec issue of pc vs phone).
  14. Because they got everything iPhone and can not use it with anything else, cables, docks, some music, some videos, apps and so on. Yes iPhone has issues when 4s showed up with siri siri crashed on day one. Like few other services. IPhone has issues like any other phone, WiFi antenna, phone antenna and apples solution not to replace phones but send free cases to boost signal. Funny as I am under impression if phone is broken or badly designed (not fit for purpose) I should get refund or repair. HTC replaced all one X units with faulty WiFi antenna despite fix being as simple as piece of paper under cover to raise the connectors.
  15. Ok Lucaz, we get the message......you don't like anything Apple and want Bill Gates children. :rolleyes:
  16. The problem with Android devices is that it's a race to the bottom - who can sell the device with the most features at the cheapest price.
    This leads to all sorts of incompatibility issues from one handset to another, even though they're all "Android" devices.

    Apple's locked-in factor has the advantage that the software will work on all devices; you buy an iPhone 4 and it's the same as any other iPhone 4 out on the market. It just works. That may not satisfy those who want to recompile their kernel but for the majority of people who want an easy to use device that they can download apps for, knowing they will work, it does it much better than the competition.
  17. Yeah Ant I think this is what I'm after, plus I'm told theres no need for any anti virus stuff as it's just not worth anybody wasting their time developing virus's for a system thats stand alone like apple.
    For me, what will I do with it, more than I do now, but certainly not as much as someone like Lucka's, I'm just not into as much techno stuff as others , I dont work in I.T. and have limited computing knowledge , I dont even do facebook or twitter. But I do want a better phone. A bit like the guy who wants a Pannigale when he's already got a.n.other Ducati superbike. Because you can:upyeah:
  18. My 65 year old Dad drives an iPhone......that's how easy they are to use for the technologically challenged among us! :upyeah:
  19. My kids have blackberrys
    They both would prefer the iPhone but as yet havnt managed to convince their dad
    I have had a go on them and I don't like them.
    It takes ages to download apps.
    They use them now mainly as MP3 players and BBM

    iPhone for ease is simple even I can use it apps are almost instant and I'm not having to update that often either

    Buying music is simple too

    And emails straight away adding photos to them is a doddle

    My Linux netbook is at the back of my cupboard.
  20. No not exactly I was with old windows mobile and still believe it to be best phone is ever (it has everything of wp7, android and apple minus nice big finger touch interface) but wp7 was disappointment. Current upgrade to wp8 with new features has my spidy senses tingling. I moved to android as wp7 was a No no. Sadly because there is one android and hundreds different handsets it does not work quite right on any of them unless you root it and put custom roms. That is why I do not like it, fault of manufacturers not Google. None bother to adapt all drivers so release handsets that do all your graphics on screen via cpu (slow software render mode) rather then gpu (graphics). Many are also buggy as done on the quick. Finally some cheap one's have to weak cpu for it to do all the work. Finally there is now so many android versions and handset versions that many apps in app store will not work on same phone running two versions of android os. Something Google keeps quiet about.
    I currently have 2nd fastest phone on the market with up to date os, Samsung S3 is fastest so you would expect all apps to work on my phone from older phones. Not.
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