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smart phone

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by peter james, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Actually I do recompile my kernel but only because of what you said Antonye. To much to fast with to many devices is huge incompatibilities, see my previous post.

    Wp8 seems to be happy medium. Microsoft has locked down the hardware to list of about 10 compatible cpu/motherboard combos. Microsoft then does drivers for it that phone manufacturers have to use. That way os is stable and fast on all handsets and all apps work. However you still have a choice of manufacturers, how the phone looks and if you want cheaper or faster phone. All current wp7 devices are single core 1ghz cpu's yet run smoother then 2 core iOS or 4 core Android out of the box.
  2. Google only has the rights to Android in the Europe, that's where all the problems start for Android.....if its a generic device made in china etc they don't pay Google the rights, so loads of apps and even the play store won't work.....unless as you say, you root it and modify the rom......but that's just the equivelent for the Idevices....if you want to modify the os jailbreak it!
  3. Well almost but not quite. Android os is free, if you want to use app store then you have to pay to Google. Hence open source. Google owns android logo and name not open source OS. They can not stop anyone using it as long as they do not use name, logo and apps store. IOS is owned by apple.

    In regards of jailbreaking agree you can modify but believe me if you root android your modification capability goes from most to everything. I can overclock my cpu till it burns as Android (Linux) has full control over drivers. Currently I have an app that modifies my buttons so for example volume button pressed one's, press and held or pressed repeatedly but a brake in between controls volume as per stock. Press and hold next track (modified), press quickly 3 times starts video app (modified) and so on.

    Peter James no need to run anti virus on any phones but saying that if you use siri on ios anything you store via it is stored on apple server and processed. Same as any mail you send via Google mail (check small text). Then they sell add preferences. That is a bit like virus to me :). In Android I have stopped all those services bar google mail as no control over that. Live mail used with wp7 has in big letters that your mail is not scanned for add preferences or any other reason.
    #43 Lucazade, Sep 10, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2012
  4. Lucaz without being drawn into a boring debate I think you'll find that google owns the Android OS but licences the OS out free but charges for the rights to use the play store etc, which the Chinese rip offs won't pay.for......

    Android (operating system) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Almost right.......but nearer than you :biggrin:
  5. Well no Linux is kernel and kernel is open source. Entire Android code is open source. On the same page you linked under licence check out source code licence apache licence 2.0 & GNU general public licence. Both allow free copy, distribution, changes and usage by any one for anything as long as they put who the code belongs to and disclaimers. For example disclaimer from Google re liability if world blows up :)
  6. This is the boring bit i said I'm not going into Lucaz....ok everything you say is right and everyone in the world should share your point of view or they are wrong!

    There that better :wink:
  7. My wife was a complete Luddite a few years ago; wouldn't use the computer at all. I even introduced her to Facebook but she didn't like using the computer and gave up completely.

    In an effort to make it easier I bought her an iPad. She *loves* it. So much so when her phone died she wanted an iPhone. I now honestly think those two devices will have to be surgically removed when they stuff her in a coffin!

    They are extremely intuitive to use and so easy. So much so that my mum (62) now has an iPad and we can now Facetime (video call) on it so she can see the grandkids, I send her pictures to her ipad and even emails. She's now addicted to ebay and even booked a holiday online using it!
  8. Not true I'm afraid, just more clever Apple marketing. Apple have now dropped the "we don't get viruses" message from their web sites as they have been hit with several viruses of late.
  9. My dad's 85 and uses a Toshiba laptop running Windows 7. We Skype regularly, he sends and receives email, and goes on internet forums.
  10. Anybody got a blacker cat? :tongue:
  11. Anth read the link you provided under licensing please. When there also read the link attached to apache licencing and gnu licensing as here you make it look like you do not read your own link man. Even Linux instances sold as servers to businesses charge for support and apps created by them but do not charge for Linux distribution they use. Far from it on their own sites many times you can download their kernel.

    Look here note what they sell:
    #51 Lucazade, Sep 10, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2012
  12. Facetime better in what way? Skype can be used over 3G, 4G and WiFi and also does video calls to other Skype users so better how?
  13. Zzzzzzzzzzz

    Lucaz FaceTime is every bit as reliable as Skype and is free.....but yeah your right again! :rolleyes:

    Oh and FaceTime can be used over 3G too....but I'll wait for you to tell me I'm wrong.
    #53 XxAnthxX, Sep 10, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2012
  14. FaceTime is cool :)
  15. No that is what higgy748 said again read link above. Skype is also free last time I checked (today).
    Also as you asked scroll to the bottom read where the * is text is "Requires a FaceTime-enabled Mac with an Internet connection or a FaceTime-enabled iOS device with a Wi-Fi connection. Not available in all areas."
    You sounding a bit like a fan boy now believing apple marketing hype not checking small print.

    Apple - FaceTime - Make video calls from your Mac.
  16. Anth awaiting reply how I am still wrong despite pointing you to apple main website.
  17. Luca I think the OP only wants a phone that he can slide open like the rest of us and that can take pics.
    For the non PC minded like myself I'm totally lost in what your saying.
    I have skype and FaceTime and out of the two I like FaceTime.
    If I want people to know I'm on line I will use MSN
    FaceTime is private
    The kids and I use what's app to keep in touch easily
  18. Yeah your right Lucaz..I just imagine FaceTime over 3G on my phone....you obviously know my phone better than me.

    I made MY choice Lucaz and that's all, I at least don't try to force everyone into my point of view....unlike you, have you ever though of becoming a Jehovah witness....you'd fit with their totalitarianism.

    And on that note I'll leave you with your infinately boring IT knowledge.:upyeah:
  19. But hay I said from start I have Android but Bo not like it for opposite of what you said. Unless you are tekky person it will be more wrong then good. I do not like apple as they are to restrictive and lie in your face about their devices. For that I been branded MS fan boy. Well at the moment they seem to got it right with WP8 and I suggested that phone over both Android and iOS. Licence thing came from another story with Anth, facetime from higgy.

    I do not understand what is better about facetime I used it, it's easier to use ad it was designed for iOS. Get someone with windows phone 8 (in about month time) and start Skype there it is also integrated in to Windows as MS bought it. As easy to use.
  20. Did you jailbrake your iPhone as we are talking here about normal users that do not do it? Link is from APPLE website so stop living in denial. Apple them self say facetime over Wi-Fi. Is it that hard to click link to apple website provided and read? It's black on grey there just small.
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