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So A Red Light Thingi

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Loz I doubt most will get it. Every single time there is a discussion like this to fast for conditions cones up as "the final answer". Sadly it seems people do not grasp that as you say one cannot be aware of everything all the time if we did we would be God's. To fast one second is to slow the other and just right 3rd.
  2. Lets split this up.

    At no point did I say anyone could have complete awareness. Im commenting on what Luca has said, not rewriting the highway code for every conceivable situation. That would be foolish. I'm simply pointing out that you take a view on conditions and adjust your speed appropriately. Your speed, position etc will be different depending on rain, dry, sun, frost etc.

    Dont get me wrong. We cant all be aware of everything I completely agree with you. But when we assess the road and its surroundings we make assumptions about what the things around us might do and what threat they could pose to us.

    Im sure none of us would steam past a horse on a single track road at 60 even on a dry day with good visibility.....we'd get our heads kicked off. Similarly I'd be inclined to roll off approaching a traffic light on green on the basis that its highly likely that it could go amber then red....again regardless of road conditions. Its something we all do I'm sure.

    What Luca is saying is "4am, pissing down with rain was going to fast to stop. Noticed it go amber, tried to stop realised it will never happen without crossing the line and getting a ticket anyhow so went for it hoping for best."

    If you're going too fast to stop before the line in the time it takes for the light to change from green to red via amber you're going too fast. Your ability to stop within that distance will depend on road conditions so you adjust them.

    The diesel was only mentioned as a possible mitigating factor as to why you couldnt stop should you go through the light not 'Luca went through the light because there was diesel on the road'.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. And every time the discussion seems to be about you :D

    We'll all make bad decisions on the road from time to time and make mistakes. Hopefully we will be lucky and get away with them but I expect those who take more chances/risks make more mistakes than those who take fewer. You seem to have the view that there was nothing you could have done but there was....you just dont seem to want to admit that you could have avoided it because you were going too fast for the conditions.....
  4. my copper mate says yer screwed. junctions and trafic light mean proceed with caution.
    right of way is given not assumed
  5. Do not lie he. :) Last one before this was another member doing 60 in 40. Time before that as well.

    Yep I could have gone slower but then that would have been below speed limit, at night in rain on road that has traffic of heavy kind. Did that for a while on a 125 scooter and it was scariest thing in clear day being overtaken both sides!!!
  6. I know I am screwed. Anything I can do to be screwed bit less :D
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Pay up and dont get caught again.

  8. Don't do it again and drive to roads conditions :)
  9. Your very strict on this thread :Wideyed:
    • Like Like x 2
  10. dominatrix?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. If you don't report defects, the local authorities will (almost) never actually rectify them...
    Cornwall County Council give out "see it, report it" cards for motorcyclists with details of how to report defects - potholes, diesel spills and loose manhole covers - for the Devon & Cornwall area. More details available at Road safety - Cornwall Council if anyone is interested...
    Once a defect has been reported it can be a great help to anyone who subsequently has an accident because of the defect and needs to make a claim against the relevant authority, as they can't say that they didn't know about it...
  12. Depending on where you were on the A406, but around Henleys Corner and westwards new cameras have recently been installed on traffic light junctions. They do 2 things, operate as normal speed cameras, or when the light are in a changing phase , take photos of vehicles going through red lights. It seems you did not get a speeding ticket that evening, so you might not have been speeding much at all, but it does seem whatever speed you were doing,you were still unable to stop in time, frankly Luca there can only be one conclusion ,, and it's a hanging offence too.
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