My friend is receiving trial chemo for a rare form of Myeloma she had to have a covid test before they could start anything and was kept in isolation until they had the result back and then put into a ward with three others She is day 5 and receiving great care. She is in St Barts and I believe they are keeping inpatients low in case of a Covid hike
You wouldn't perhaps be refering to the ONS death figures that have recorded deaths for many years and offer monthly and yearly publication of those figures. When you study them you will find a increased death rate to the tune of 60000 between February and May this year when compared to the last five years. Handily most countries have a similar system so one can compare excess deaths rate country by country. Unless of course everything is a lie, we lied so badly that we have the worst excess death rate in Europe. Germany have done a much better job fudging their numbers for years so they look so much better. As it's all a hoax and governments around the world have shut their economies and have done lasting damage to their peoples on purpose. All to achieve? Well what exactly are they trying to achieve?
If you look at last 5yrs the difference is an almost 1 for 1 with the cover deaths. It doesn't help really IMHO (as a non-statistician)
I’m doing ok thank you and staying safe My friend has nothing but praise for St Barts I have met some of the nursing staff via wats app video and I have to say very friendly and stop to have a quick chat
I haven't (looked for) seen any real data about ongoing treatments or diagnostics. I do know it's much harder to see a doctor now, around here anyway.
Don’t do Facebook. And definitely not brainwashed. You strike me as a recreational ‘I’m so offended’ type. Get a grip fella.
It is harder everywhere! But if all the opinions here are facts and people haven't really died of covid and hospitals aren't busy etc why should it be. My local surgery never delayed seeing people because of a bad year for flu. So why now? Why would the government cause untold difficulties, hardship and death unnecessarily? For what purpose?
Completely agree, the NHS seems to be run extremely inefficiently. Although, there’s no denying if this virus is not managed/controlled to some extent, things will get even worse. I guess it’s from that point where things get subjective - cost vs benefit.
You couldn’t be further from the truth, I usually hate offended people and love offending them. It’s just selfish angry middle age men who litter internet forums that grind my gears for some reason.
And that's the problem. Unless you are yomping up to A&E, you don't often get anywhere near hospital diagnostics etc unless you have a GP referral. No proper time with a GP, no hospital. For some this will be critical. Wor lass was needing GP time for months but couldnt get anything more than phone calls. They felt that they knew the issues, but wouldnt prescribe meds without a physical appointment, which they could not offer. We ended up having to buy our own blood pressure monitor and send records to the GP so she could finally get the prescription. How do they even know we actually have the equipment, it is of relevant quality, or we are using it correctly? I'm sure many with more significant requirements are being treat the same way by local clinics.
Fear. Govt are paralysed by it. The same govts that send thousand, even millions at times, into war to die thousands of miles away.
I think that's the question everyone would like an answer to. Can't remember what year(s), possibly 2015/16 winter, but look back at the ONS data of excess winter deaths, there have been other years similar to this.
Fear is also an emotion used by governments to control the masses. I’ve been quite shocked by some people I thought I knew swallowing all this shite. And being genuinely scared. Shame really.
My experience has been NHS in an emergency or for long term care is brilliant. If test and trace is anything to go by private is perhaps quicker, but not necessarily better.
What I don't understand is that when this all kicked off, the government were able to throw together several Nightingale hospitals in short time, as a safety valve for the traditional hospital sites. Since then they have had minimal usage. As the whole idea of the lockdowns, and measures such as masks and space were implemented on the grounds of keeping the peak low to prevent the NHS being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers, why in the last 6 months have we not used the time to build both more Nightingale sites and also increase the baseline potential of the ones already created? Surely this would have had less economic cost to society overall than massive unemployment and the collape of tax paying businesses. My understanding of how it has all been sold to us thus far is that the various forms of isolation are not to prevent folk catching it, but to delay them catching it so the NHS can "cope".The old and infirm or those with underlying critical conditions will still die when covid finally knocks at their door, unless we create the "miracle vaccine" to end all our woes or herd immunity comes about naturally. The approximate area under the curve will stay approximately the same, it will just take longer and with a lower peak. The longer term we spread this over, ultimately the more detrimental it will be to all reaches of society.
For me. Having a strong IT biased background. I didn’t think it would ever work personally. Test and Trace that is. To do it property would require extreme changes to people’s privacy
My experience, personal and family, is NHS is broken. My time in hospital showed me that. NHs staff are 3 types. The ones who show care, the ones who are totally efficient at the cost of care, and the other third that wander around doing f-all. An lad hospitals are full of people who really need care but can’t afford it or can’t find it or aren’t entitled to it. Funny enough the same people we are ‘protecting’! It’s a f’ing travesty how we treat old people. But there is only so much money I guess