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So If A Covid Vaccine Were Released Tomorrow..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by duke63, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. Straight away

    28 vote(s)
  2. Give it at least six months

    35 vote(s)
  3. Never

    28 vote(s)
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  1. FFS..... I even tried googling "Non Covid News".... No guesses how that went....
  2. The models they used Saturday night were already 3 weeks out of date ffs

    There was more up to date data available to hand that same evening which shows nothing like a 2000-4000 death rate, it just proves Whitty and Co are using data to suit policy no matter it's accuracy, not policy to suit data.
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  3. Well all those who voted the idiot Johnson in, have got what they voted for.
    A Country run by an idiot!
  4. for idiots..................
  5. millions? try a 3rd of our entire budget. a budget that funds our schools and further education, police and judicary, NHS and infrostructure ect.
    our system is reaching about 95% of contacts for pennies. we/you are being screwed over rotten.
    this is what we are up against. tory leader.DRoss i've always suported extending furlough, labour deputy, we must extend furlough.
    media? oh look, a squirrel.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Advised by questionable 'leading scientists'.....shit show all round
  7. I think Tourism and Hospitality will become rarely used words for the working classes ( non working ) very shortly.
  8. He only ever surrounds himself with arselickers.

    Those with a few brain cells see through him immediately.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. or, wanting brexit at any cost, and throwing the current curcumstances a deefy in the hope of sorting the gov after. bwahahaha.

  10. I haven’t read that but I would imagine one rather obvious reason being that millions of kids are still at school and it’s the main area for transmission :joy:

    up 50% isn’t it?

    This approach is like trying to avoid Hepatitis by eating your dinner out of a high mileage hookers arse hole ffs :joy:

    no idea what they’re thinking
  11. Yep, number one was questioning whether they were the right restrictions.
    They included supermarkets:


    Here's an idea - shut the supermarkets where loads of people from a reasonably wide geographical range turn up, and may in turn help local businesses.
  12. Well worth a watch and explains a lot, especially how the worse case projections of 4000 a day deaths the nation was given Saturday night are woefully inaccurate and outdated.

    This was published today so is post the announcement of the 2nd national lock down

    #556 damodici, Nov 2, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2020
  13. Whatever the outcome, being told 4000 people per day would be dying at the end of the year and doing nothing and crossing your fingers would be a dereliction of Johnson's duty as PM.

    We should have had a test, track and trace scheme fit for purpose by the end of the suimmer.
    We still do not have one.
  14. Have you watched the video?
  15. Test and trace fundamentally can never be fully effective. It amazes me they’re still Pursuing it :/
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