So I'm not going to be on the bike for the foreseeable future

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by slof, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Foooooook
    nasty looking
    speedy recovery :upyeah:

  2. You had a mobile phone camera tucked in your speedos whilst diving -cool!

  3. Nice blue pool.

  4. Probably a go pro, filming all his diving antics to publish on the youtube :tongue:
  5. Lorenzo was riding his bike the week after breaking both his ankles. Poof! :wink:
  6. That was bad luck. Take it easy and hope the scenery improves for you.

    I was going to say take it step at a time, but thought better of it....
  7. Very encouraging Mat, he feels much better now :upyeah:
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  8. Duuude, that's nasty! I had a compound fracture of tib and fib, no dislocations or screws and I was in plaster for 16 weeks. Another 6 weeks walking funny and couple of months before it felt good. Was on the bike long before I stand without pain, or run.
    The more you push yourself during rehab the quicker you'll recover. I hope it's quick and you're back to normal asap. Take it easy.
  9. The
    scantily dressed bloke opposite ?
  10. Yeh he's now snoring bit it's not your typical fog horn noise it sounds more like the sorta noise predator would make. The guys gun a get a slap with a catheter bag if it carries on
  11. Broke both my ankles in a bike crash, was about 4 months before I could walk without sticks (seemed like years) and two years before I was walking normally. 23 years later I still haven't got full movement in my left ankle. That should cheer you up a bit...
  12. You bring light and laughter to everyone, everyday, you great big gay bear! :wink:
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  13. Get well soon Slof and back on a bike for next summer.
  14. Get well soon slof, hope the recovery goes well! You weren't being chased by Tom Daley were you?
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  15. :biggrin: Wish I'd thought of that :biggrin:
  16. It's amazing how quick the brain can work when I've had an early morning shag!
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  17. From Tom Daley? :eek:
  18. No diving boards here!!! Move along!
  19. Cheers for the support guys. All I need to do now is get the bike up on something so I can clean it from my wheel chair :p
    #39 slof, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2013
  20. That's the spirit chap. Best wishes for a fast recovery.
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