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So I'm not going to be on the bike for the foreseeable future

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by slof, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. I think your biggest problem could be the dodgy orange pants!

    Get well soon, the only advice I'd offer is listen to the professionals and don't be tempted to do too much too quickly.
    Oh and be nice to the Nurses.
  2. Definately. You could get invites to the best parties around :upyeah:
  3. whent to a lot of student nurse partys. these girls are mad.
  4. ouch !!! did you swear a bit ?

  5. Holy Shit Dude!
  6. You selling your bike...? :biggrin:

  7. No she is going to be cleaned abd cleaned and cleaned ha ha
  8. Yeh I did they have to take a few little kids out of the pool. But two kids had the bloody cheek to ask for a refund because they couldn't use the board any more. I told the manager to bring them over so I can tell them where to go. In the end he told them to fook off
  9. Strueth,
    That doesn't look any fun. My commiserations. GWS.

    I sprained my ankle playing squash once. Thing looked like I'd hidden the squash ball in it. That took a few months before I could run again, but it wasn't 100%. Then a couple of months after running, it gave way on a run again. Then it was over a year before I could run again - a bit gingerly. And it hurt vaguely (was sensitive) for at least a couple of years or so. It's OK now, but it's a bit irrelevant as my knee is fairly fucked.

    But it must vary a lot from case to case. Apparently, my ankles are just a bit rubbish and have a lot of play in them. If they were steering head bearings, you'd replace them. But they aren't, so you put up with them.

    Still, you'll be riding a bike again a lot sooner than running.
    Looks nasty though.
  10. Ouch ouch ouch feel for you !!
    Get well soon
  11. Ooouuuch! Jeez, that's just nasty :(

    As far as healing goes, I haven't bust any bones but have torn ligaments in both ankles :( Not at the same time but within a year of each other. Recovery wise it's much the same as other folks here. Getting about with a hobble was a few weeks, running and athletic type stuff was quite a bit longer....probably 12 months or more before I could run properly again (and that was when I did the other ankle last time :( ) Hopefully should be good enough when the good weather comes back!

    On a slightly more positive note at least it's the right you've done and not the left from a bike perspective. Mostly my right only moves when I'm getting off or it's goes to sleep! GWS fella!
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