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So......this missing plane.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Aliens?
  2. This isn't the word association thread, or are you coming out?
  3. only to play.
  4. Now you're talking.
    Finally a plausible explanation.
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  5. Everyone I know believes that the authorities know where it is. Do we really believe that China doesn't monitor all flights in Asia? How come Google maps can get a close up of my garden but military satellites can't find a 'plane? Is it believable that Eddie Stobart etc. can track their lorries but Airlines can't track their 'planes (if there's a tracker that can be turned off I'd bet there'll be one that can't be!)? Even the British Police managed to find that Panigale with a tracker fitted in Lithuania. Did everyone on the 'plane really turn their 'phone off - that'd be a first? It just doesn't add up and the longer it goes on the more suspicious it seems.

    I can only assume that something dodgy has happened and someone is trying to avoid a war with China......did Malaysia Air Force shoot it down by mistake......

    Maybe I'm just a cynic?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Stang every device can be switched off, some will just never come back on.

    In regards of tracking radar coverage over sea is not that great due to area. Google can take a snap of you in your mankini because they have satellites placed to take a snap of you in your mankini. No k e will be expecting you to be in your mankini in the middle of an ocean.
  7. So you believe that what the media report is what is happening? What's your opinion of what happened to the 'plane - I personally doubt aliens but wait to be proved wrong? Every device can be switched off but it doesn't mean that everyone has the switches, so enabling a civil 'plane to go "invisible" would seem foolish on the part of the Airlines and 'plane manufacturers.

    Did I look good in the mankini ;)?
  8. Not sure zoom was not good enough.

    In a car if engine fails you stop, if fire happens you can stop and evacuate quickly, if electrics fail you stop.

    In a plane each of those are deadly, combined is even worse.
    GPS has a manufacturing fault, shorts and starts burning. If you could not switch it off by cutting power it would eventually catch fire that would spread to other electronics and even if everyone could breathe it could render plain dead, unresponsive and so on.
    That is why you need a dead switch.

    I believe someone on board was up to no good, maybe hijacking. To what purpose no idea but as they were flying with no ID on them military would take them as threat and deal with it. I think that is what happened but no one wants to admit to shooting down a plain full of civilians just because it could have possibly been used as a bullet.
  9. I don't actually know what happened to the plane . I DONT believe no one knows what did happen and I DO believe there is a lot of bullshitting and arse covering going on somewhere . To take all the passengers , whatever your "crusade" smacks of a very low value put on life , which definatly narrows the search field
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  10. Reasons for switch off makes sense, I obviously hadn't thought that one through.

    So still a little conspiracy theory, with it being shot down. If you're right I wonder why no-one has claimed responsibility for the hijack, or have they and that is being supressed which seems a bit unlikely with all the possible outlets available? After 9/11 I also wonder why anyone thinks that not immediately admitting shooting it down would help. Maybe we'll never know........
  11. No matter what happens admitting to shooting it down ASAP will be a suicide. They years long investigations alone will ruin you. Different matter if they were to wait till last second.
    Not all kidnappings had other motive then just to kidnap. Some were purely to kidnap a plane and go where you want. Happened before, Ethiopian airlines and had to make water landing by the beach (not remember of which country) in 90's is one example. Kidnapper was an idiot and did not believe pilots there is not enough fuel .......
  12. There are bits of the motorway between Lausanne and Geneva (a pretty populous place) where you still can't get a mobile phone signal. I can't help feeling that you'd be struggling somewhere in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Where are they going to put the mast - on a buoy?

    No clue what has happened to the plane, but I bet the secret services of several countries are working overtime, and I'm sure they know more about it than we the general public currently do.
  13. Or,we could all just wait and see what the findings eventually reveal.
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  14. Why hasn't anyone asked Sherlock? He'd have this solved in a week.
  15. I think its at the bottom of the ocean or the pilot opened the doors mid flight to kill everyone and then landed it somewhere, refuelled and stole it.
  16. from day 1 the news releases never made sense, there is one huge cover up going on
  17. Cover-up or incompetence? o_O
  18. What kind of news coverage are you getting from the NZ/Aus news agencies?
  19. Same as the rest of you I would imagine, bit of local content as there was 2 Kiwi's on board, but bulletins from Aussie, USA, England and various Asian countries as well.
  20. My money is on it being shot down
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