A plane is quite big, but looking for one in an area the size of France.... you could look for a long time. And most of it would have sunk anyway, so you are just looking for little bits in an area the size of France. Plus it was 3 weeks ago and all the little bits will be spread over hundreds of square miles by now. So am I surprised they can't find anything? No.
There is no missing plane. It's all a smokescreen to take our minds off of Ukraine/Crimea. They do this every time Russia goes a-marchin'. A big human interest story to divert attention from real issues. Hey, I can conspiracy theory with the best of 'em!
I would agree if they found nothing. However they keep on finding 100's of pieces via satellite and then cannot get there to confirm. I was under impression it is drifting with currents so rather slow and in specific direction.....