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So what DOES make a good Forum?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Sold my duke recently but still luv the banter.who knows what the future holds.may still get another.
  2. You're welcome :upyeah:
  3. Thanks.my fellow master of sarcasm and general piss taking!
  4. People, content and a lack of Nazi moderators imposing their beliefs on it, that's what makes a good forum.

  5. 3 pretty sisters and me.
  6. For me it's sensible answers to technical questions, non bike related stuff in the lounge that I can actually find interesting, no anally retentive tossers that have forgotten what it's like to be young and moderators that only step in things really are going too far rather than because they personally object to something.

    Now why the fuck doesn't the back brake on my Multistrada work as it's supposed to?
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  7. For me its the technical expertise, not really into the right wing saloon bar politics :rolleyes:
  8. D'yer know what, I've about had it with some of the wankers on here taking every opportunity to belittle and dig from the safety of their keyborads. I'm off.
  9. Tra :wink:
  10. That doesn't necessarily mean it's a good forum, though.
  11. Loose the lounge! ;)

    The lounge is not a bad thing, BUT it looks rubbish when like me you want tech, bikes, chat about bikes etc etc and you come on, click new posts and see nothing but.....well......I don't know what but its not Ducati or bike related.

    Loads of off topic chit chat knitting forums online too... ;)

    Tbh I have been posting elsewhere where more "bike" related chat takes place..

    Thats my view :)
  12. If it was just tech stuff this would be a boring place and there would be no movement on the site for days. Seen it happen on other sites before now. They just die.
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  13. But you aren't forced to visit the Lounge, Arfur...........

    Having looked at several bike forums where 'bike related chat' takes place, I get the distinct impression that not only can they be, let's say; nerdy......but also, the clique syndrome is more evident.......

    I don't like cliques and would rather use a forum where there is a variety of users who don't constantly eat and think bikes as it just becomes boring...........However, that's not to say I want to comment on every subject going and would rather try and help a few owners where I can.

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  14. Yeah I know.... BUT I like the boring stuff, boring to some GREAT for others, the answer is for people to spend more on there bikes, post more pics of projects, get more BIKE active, what's up with you all... crack on and buy buy buy, mod mod mod, go to your dealers and spend spend spend, then post up what you've done...lol

    Snells and Rapido are a start! Off you go... ;)

    And agree fully about the lounge hence why I don't slate or post negative comments on subjects I have no interest in.. :)

    And I'm here now.....lol
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  15. I think a decent feature to the interface would be the ability to customise the "new posts" tab to just include those areas of the forum you are interested in. It would lose the lounge for those who cannot spell "lose" and insist on writing "loose" which gives the lounge a certain lack of morals - I guess that fits anyway.

    I'd find this feature useful to cut those particular bikes I don't own and don't want to read posts about unless I visit that section on purpose.
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  16. it's where you feel most 'at home' isn't it? I always go to .ms for fault finding when i'm really stuck and I can't see another Forum ever competing with them in that area but it's such a vast 'community' and I don't think it could ever be 'homely' despite someone starting a U.K. sub-section on there. There have been some bust-ups on here (possibly because people feel right at home :)) but no-one (particularly newcomers) wants to see this constantly. I was a member of an anybikeulike Forum for a while but because everyone was so overly nice (for me) it became a bit sickly. Loz summed it up so well there's no point me adding anything - I think it's a good forum. (hope you come back Bradders)
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  17. Is it REALLY THAT DIFFICULT to navigate to where you want to be? Somehow I don't think so.
  18. No not hard mate, BUT sometimes in my case sooooooo many chit chat threads to skip though to find something that interests ME, but I guess that's the whole point what I find interesting others would see as dull... It's no problem at all just saying my view..

    But I'm here now chatting about non bike related topics, Ha Ha... so then that's my yearly contribution to the "lounge" lol
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  19. I'm a member of both .org and .ms despite my responsibilities here. Both of which have been very helpful and friendly, although I don't have the time to really take part. I see friendly and familiar names and faces on there as we are still part of a small community and to be honest, people will always go where they are welcome.
    There's no reason why we cant have bike chat on here. I guess the most logical places where that can be found are in the bike specific, technical or other bike sections. The lounge is exactly that, a lounge where pretty much any topic is open to discussion. For those who take part in and support the forum, thank you for making this the place it is :smile:
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  20. Moved to Lounge :smile:
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